Friday, November 18, 2016

Symptom of breast cancer

There are several SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER, which can be seen in either men or women. When a microscopic breast cancer begins, there is really no evidence that one, two or more breast cells have turned into a cancer. We now know that many things can stimulate the cells to grow faster, including for some women, female hormones. Independent of what type of breast cancer is growing, the first clue that something is wrong, is usually a breast lump. Ninety (90%) percent of the time, the woman, or man in some cases, will feel a small lump when they press against their breast.
When the lump becomes large enough to be detected, the question will always be is this a sign and SYMPTOM OF BREAST CANCER, or is it something else, like an infection? Typically, infections are tender and cancers are hard, firm and non-tender. The lump can be further checked out by your doctor who may order a mammogram or a newer test (Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Test, a.k.a. B.E.S.T.) to see if it’s a breast cancer or something else.

Like all cancers, breast cancers are associated with bloody discharge. When this SYMPTOM OF BREAST CANCER occurs, there is bloody discharge from the nipple. It is frequently found when the breast is squeezed. As the cancer grows it distorts the breast, pulling it in, in some area and bulging the breast out in other areas. Some breast cancers (Paget’s disease, not the bone disease) produce a hard crust around the nipple that is reddened and irregular in shape. This unique SYMPTOM OF BREAST CANCER represents an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer and should never be ignored or taken lightly.

Another SYMPTOM OF BREAST CANCER includes an orange discoloration (peau d’orange; a.k.a. orange peel) of the skin, which indicates you probably have “inflammatory” breast cancer. All of these cancers can begin anywhere in the breast and spread out into the remainder of the breast and into the breast tissue found under the arm. Here, in what doctors call the axilla (armpit), the SYMPTOM OF BREAST CANCER present include the lumps within this area of this breast as well as swelling of the lymph nodes. This means the breast cancer is spreading. After leaving the breast, SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER, include headaches, bone pain and abdominal pain.

SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER, which can be easily seen include lumps, bumps, swelling, bloody discharge from the nipple and can be seen anywhere in the breast. Women and men with these symptoms should be seen by their doctors to determine if they have breast cancer and how serious it is.

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