Friday, May 5, 2017

Knowing about Stage 4 breast cancer symptoms

OK, ladies, the doctor is in; for today we are going to take some time and talk a little bit about stage 4 breast cancer symptoms. As with all types of cancers, breast cancer symptoms are grouped and spread across a wide range of symptoms. There are some that are so devious they do not even have obvious symptoms of any kind at all readily discernible to the human touch.

We want to keep it simple today so we will be going over the most common breast cancer symptoms that you will see. A lot of individual self-diagnosed breast cancer symptoms might be wrongly identified because they could be results of small abnormal conditions like a cast. It can all be so confusing, what is a woman to do?

Well, let’s see. In looking for breast cancer symptoms, you should probably first complete a breast self-exam. Actually, make this a routine for the rest of your life. Do it at least once per month. For any of you who are over the age of 40, your chances of seeing breast cancer symptoms increase dramatically. Besides the breast self-exam, you should have a mammogram and a physical at least one per year by your doctor.

In doing your exam for stage 4 breast cancer symptoms, look for small lumps where you normally have smooth skin and tissue. Check down the insides of your breasts. Lift up and check under your breast. Be sure to cover the top and up close to your underarms.

If you find a lump while searching for breast cancer symptoms, do not be scared, this is only the first step. The lump is likely to be painless and hard. If it has an uneven edge, that shows a greater chance for it to be cancer than saying something that is even all around like a cast.

There could be unusual swelling, nipple pains, redness, skin dimpling and maybe even breast discharge of something other than milk. Any of these breast cancer symptoms should be reported to your doctor right away and have them checked out.

These breast cancer symptoms may lead your doctor to do more tests. Maybe the doc will order a mammogram or breast MRI. If the lump seems troubling she might order a biopsy where they go in and take a piece of the lump to have it analyzed.

If you have any of these stage 4 breast cancer symptoms do not wait to see your doctor. The earlier you can detect cancer the more options you have for treating it. Breast cancer is treatable if found early enough and there is no reason not to get it taken care of before it is too late.

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