Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Women

One of the recognizable symptoms of breast cancer in women is a lump. I was just months after my 40th birthday when I found my lump. I was in the shower washing my armpits and probing the area. The lump was about the size of a pencil eraser. I finished my shower and told myself that it was an ingrown hair and I went to work.

On the drive, I remembered my aunt Lorna telling me the symptoms of breast cancer in women a few years before when she was battling the beast. She made me promise to get a mammogram when I was forty, and I promised because anytime a relative with cancer asks for a promise you gotta give it.
While I was at work, my mind kept going back to that lump. It was a slow day so I had plenty of time to poke at it with my finger and just enough imagination to picture a future in which I was bald because of chemotherapy and my children stood weeping by my bedside.

In an effort to calm my fears, I called my sister (the hypochondriac) and I told her of the lump. She googled symptoms of breast cancer in women, then called my mother and my aunt Lorna and added me to the church prayer list.

Within the next eight hours, I was contacted by numerous people about my lump. Aunt Lorna called and gave me the number of her oncologist and said that she had pulled some strings to get me an emergency mammogram. She told me that lumps weren’t always a death sentence and that in her case, after chemo her hair grew back blond and curly, which is exactly the hair she always wanted.
On the day of the mammogram, my mother insisted upon coming with me. She was being very supportive and also very much like a mother who would have to have security remove her from the room to get her to leave.

The mammogram was no picnic, the worst part was when the tech took a picture and my mother looked at it on the screen and then she gasped and put one hand over her mouth and one over her heart.

The picture was my breast, mostly black but with lines of silver that ran like a river towards my nipple. The tech explained that the silver river was completely normal and several days later my lump was diagnosed as fibroids.

My mother was with me when we got the news and she grasped my hand and said “thank-you Jesus.”
She also said, “You got the fibroid from my side of the family. We all have fibroids, doctor, do you think that is why women in my family have such firm perky boobs?”

My lump story has a very happy ending. My Aunt Lorna’s lump story has months of chemo and radiation and hair loss–but it has a silver lining made out of curly hair. My mother-in-law lost a breast. A friend of mine lost her life.

You should know the symptoms of breast cancer and you should contact a doctor if you find something unusual.

You should also know that sometimes a lump is a just lump.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Breast Cancer Symptom Detection

A breast cancer symptom is usually detected as a lump on the upper or middle mammary region towards the armpit region of the breast. Everyone has seen the poster in the doctor’s office that shows the correct way to raise your arm and feel your own mammary glands, and it was an especially fun day in the 6th grade when your gym teacher separated the girls from the boys so that the girls could feel up the different silicone samples of each lumpy breast cancer symptom and giggle.

If one detects a breast cancer symptom early enough, it is usually treatable right away through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Because society tends to gear most educational literature and learning programs on detecting a breast cancer symptom towards women, not a vast majority of those educated are very aware that breast cancer is also something that happens in men. Breast cancer in men, although rare and accounting for less than1% of breast cancers, can tend to be painful and fatal or near fatal since not many people are able to properly recognize breast cancer in men’s symptoms early enough to treat it. By the time a man realizes that he has breast cancer, it has probably progressed and the that he might have could cause quite a bit of pain.

Some common breast cancer in men’s symptoms can usually be a firm and painful lump near the nipple, skin discoloration, puckering of the skin, a bloody or discolored discharge from the nipple, weakness, lethargy, and weight loss. Advanced breast cancer men’s symptoms can also result in bone pain at the location of the carcinoma where the cancer has metastasized. Men’s breast cancer commonly occurs in men ages 60 to 80 years of age. Usually the breast cancer and breast cancer men’s symptoms are a result of too much estrogen, alcohol abuse, Klinefelter’s syndrome, or radiation exposure. Once diagnosed, the cancer can be treated with surgery, removing the breast tissue. Additionally, chemotherapy and radiation treatment are incurred as a follow up treatment if recommended by a doctor.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Symptoms of Breast Cancer Recurrence

Increased reporting by doctors of the symptoms of breast cancer in men, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is of growing concern. The reports indicate that males diagnosed with breast cancer are increasing and also, the survival rates are not going down. Unlike women, who are taught early about how to perform self-evaluation for the symptoms, most men are totally unaware of this problem in males. Most women who do the self-exams at home often refer themselves to their primary physician, with little delay. Men are at the opposite end. Perhaps this is due in part to the fact that they are unaware of this potential health risk – though there is often a significant cultural or “macho” element involved.

This is unfortunate. Of the approximately 2,000 cases reported in the USA last year, over 450 died as a result – an astonishing 23% death rate from a very treatable disease. It does not have to be that way. Male breast cancer is both more treatable, especially in its early stages, and the physical effects of treatment are less obvious to outsiders. For example, it would not be obvious to the casual observer that a male had undergone a mastectomy.

As with men, men of any age can develop symptoms of male breast cancer. However, the age group most likely to have these symptoms are from ages 60 – 70. The good news is that the current generation of men in this age group, and those right behind them, have had both more exposure to the dangers of not thinking about this health concern.

As with women, breast cancer in men symptoms develop in the same way as with women. The reasons that symptoms of breast cancer are not often recognized or even acknowledged by men is only due to its relative rarity. Unlike women, men’s’ breast tissue stops developing at the onset of puberty. This lack of development means that the breast ducts (from where breast milk is delivered) are poorly formed or absent. So, cancer cells are not as mobile – and do not lump up or spread as quickly as in women.

Risk factors for male breast cancer include age, exposure to radiation (such as excess chest x-rays), high levels of estrogen – the “female Hormone”, and family history. Some scientists have recently conducted experiments to show that high-fat diets that may raise levels of bad cholesterol can mimic symptoms of male breast cancer.

If you, through either self-examination or experience of one or more of the following, seek professional medical advice immediately:
  • A family history of male breast cancer.
  • Sudden lumpiness or increased lump size in breasts
  • Changes to the nipple or aureole of the breast (the dark area around the nipple)
  • Leaking (discharge) of any fluid from the breast
  • Change in the relative size of one breast to the other.
A definitive diagnosis, as with women, may include sonograms, mammograms, needle biopsies or lumpectomies. Again, the key is to consult your health provider as soon as symptoms are noticed.
Even more important is regular self-exams at home. So, do not delay doing yours.
treatment of the disease.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

What are The Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most talked about diseases in the world today, so it stands to reason that knowing what symptoms of breast cancer could cause. Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer can create could be the first sign that there is a problem and should be looked at by a medical professional.

First of all breast cancer can affect more than just the breast, it is called breast cancer because of where it originates, not because that is all that is affected. One of the biggest symptoms of breast cancer has been known to produce is a lump in the breast tissue. There are many lymph nodes and glands within the breast tissue, so it is important to be able to differentiate between a lump that has been there for years and a new lump. The lump would also be relatively pain-free, rigid or hard, and more than likely would have asymmetric or rough edges. Glands and lymph nodes would not have these properties.

Breast cancer symptoms and signs can be very similar to not only other types of cancer but also other types of illnesses or conditions. Breast pain and swelling of the breasts can often be associated with a premenstrual symptom or even a symptom of pregnancy, but it is also one of the breast cancer symptoms and signs that should not be ignored. On the other hand, a lump under the arm is often associated with lymphoma, cysts, and even some infections, but it has been listed as one of the breast cancer symptoms and signs that should not be left to chance.

Breast cancer it, not a limiting disease. Breast tissue exists in both women and men, thus creating a new set of symptoms of male breast cancer. The new, painless, rigid, and oddly shaped lump is one of the common symptoms of male breast cancer that also occurs in women. It is not widely known that men can get breast cancer just as much as women. Also, a discharge containing blood or looking almost filmy from the nipple is very often one of the symptoms of male breast cancer. When left unchecked, breast cancer in males can spread to the bones causing unexplained pain in the bones. Symptoms of male breast cancer can become very generic when left unchecked, including weakness and a sudden and extreme loss of weight, which are also symptoms of many different kinds of cancer, illness, and conditions.

There are many symptoms of breast cancer can present with, the most common being a sudden appearance of a hard, asymmetrical lump in the breast. This is one of the symptoms of male breast cancer as well as female breast cancer. Breast cancer signs and symptoms should never be ignored and should be brought to the attention of a medical professional upon discovery. While the symptoms breast cancer can cause could be attributed to many other conditions, diseases, or even other forms of cancer, it is always important to keep an eye out for breast cancer symptoms and signs and more particularly the symptoms of male breast cancer to take advantage of early detection.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Demystifying Breast Cancer Surgery

Besides the physical scars that patients get following a breast cancer surgery, most of the other physical changes or discomforts that occur are mostly temporary. The cancer patient should always be willing to work out an ideal treatment plan together with the doctor. This ensures that doctor prepares the patient for the most likely side effects and also assesses them to determine the activities the patient can or cannot engage in. The side effects of the breast cancer surgery are mostly likely to affect not only the activities that they can do but also their social life as well as responsibilities. It is, therefore, important to prepare for all this.

Basically, the breast cancer surgery involves the removal of cancerous cells from the breasts. The thorax muscles that are underlying, commonly known as the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major, are usually left unresected. The improvements in how the breast cancer surgery is performed over the years have ensured that the pain and the recovery time are greatly reduced. A more important benefit of these improvements is that today patients no longer have to wait for the longer period while having the muscle resected. In fact, there are patients who have undergone lumpectomy without any lymph node dissection and they managed to be discharged on exactly the same day of operation. A lumpectomy is the removal of small tumors or lumps that are either malignant or not. Lumpectomy is done surgically. On the other hand, the lymph node dissection is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the lymph nodes so that they can be examined whether they have cancer or not. In the cases whereby the auxiliary lymph nodes are removed then the patient’s recovery is expected to take much longer.  This is because when the auxiliary lymph nodes are removed then the lymph flow is interrupted and therefore a rubber tube is always inserted into the wound so that it can temporarily act as the lymph fluid drainage.  A patient who has undergone either the lymph node dissection or the lumpectomy is always expected to be between one to two days.

The soft rubber tube that acts as a temporary drain will empty into containers that are expandable and are about the size of a softball. The doctor will usually empty the container on a daily basis and the amount of liquid that is disposed of is also recorded for monitoring. After several days following the operation then you will be able to notice that the amount of fluid reduces drastically and finally the doctor can remove the drain.  In the case of a lymph node dissection, most of the surgeons will recommend that the affected arm should be kept immobilized. This will ensure that wound heals quickly and the lymphatic flow is also minimized as much as possible. After the breast cancer surgery and the drain as been removed as well as the wound has started healing then the patient is always advised, to begin with, mild motion exercises. While some of the surgeons will recommend active exercises some will refer their patients to physical therapists. Physical therapy is the most ideal especially for patients who have undergone the lymphadenectomy, which is the removal of lymph nodes surgically. However, it will still remain within the decision and consultation of both the doctor and the patient for what will be best.

Following a breast cancer surgery that involved lymph node dissection, the patient is most likely to experience numbness especially in the armpit, this is because of the nerves that were cut in that area during the operation. This should be of great concern since several months later after the operation the sensory feeling will have returned since nerves will have been regenerated. There is patient who will have permanent numbness and their sensory senses impaired. In the event that a patient experiences this numbness, then they should be extra careful while performing activities such as shaving around the armpit area.  It is recommended that they electric razors for this. Patients who did the lymphadenectomy can develop a vein that is obstructed just inside the arm that was affected.  In the event that a patient who has undergone breast cancer surgery and experience this, then chemotherapy will be the best option.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Breast Cancer Surgery and Breast Reconstruction

Annually there are about 1.3 million women who are diagnosed with breast cancer all over the world and have to undergo breast cancer surgery. This translates to mean that out of every eight women one of them will suffer this disease or experience its symptoms. Think of eight women that you know, isn’t it a horrible thought that one of them will be diagnosed with breast cancer anytime soon. This means that besides having to undergo a breast cancer surgery she will also have to go through chemotherapy and radiation in an attempt to fight the malignant tumor that is developing in their breasts.

The good news is that most of the breast cancer cases are easily detected earlier. To improve a woman’s chance of catching cancer during its initial stages it is important that they do regular self-examinations at home or even do mammograms screening. The detection of the tumor at an earlier stage will enable its prevention from spreading to other areas. This can save the life of a woman. There are some types of cancer that are malignant whereas some are not. This means that the malignant cancers cannot be stopped regardless of whether they are caught early or not. However, most of the cancers can be eliminated completely by the use of chemotherapy and radiation together.

Regardless of the tumor size unless it has spread to other body organs such as the liver then it can be eliminated by the use of a mastectomy procedure. Mastectomy procedure involves the complete removal of the whole breast together with the tissues around it; it also includes many layers of the muscles underlying them. This surgical procedure will also involve the removal of the lymph nodes usually under the armpit for further examination by the doctors in some cases. The lymph nodes will be checked for any cancerous cells, this is done by pathologists in the lab who later send the reports to the doctor. In this case, a woman who only has a tiny tumor can end up losing both of her breasts or only one of them. The good news for women who find themselves in this situation they can always go for breast reconstruction to regain their original body shape as well as their confidence. It is a great opportunity for such women to regain their self-esteem that is usually lost when their chest walls are destroyed as well as their femininity.

Breast reconstruction is always done immediately after the breast cancer surgery or even months later. Breast reconstruction is a type of cosmetic surgery that is performed following a mastectomy surgery to the breast tissues. Thanks to the technological advancements since today plastic surgeons can construct a breast that looks natural with the right size and shape. This is possible since the surgeons can use the tools and resources that they have to make a breast suitable for the patient. Normally a saline implant is what is done for the patient. This is geared towards increasing the size as well as shaping the breast of the woman. The implant is usually done left up to the woman chests.

Despite there being women who have undergone the mastectomy and don’t do a breast reconstruction, most of the women opt to rebuild and regain their original body image through the help of the plastic surgeon. The body shape of a woman is always different after undergoing a breast cancer surgery. However, the breasts that result from the breast construction do not usually have the same feel as the natural breasts. It is always better to have artificial breasts than none at all.

The main implant in the breast reconstruction is always extracted from a tissue elsewhere from the body of the patient. The best sites for these tissues are the back, belly, and the bottom. In the event that the tissues in these areas aren’t enough then the surgeon may opt for a saline implant. This gives the woman almost the same feel as their natural breasts would on their chests. Breast reconstructions sometimes include the reconstruction of the nipples. Either way, the step of taking a breast reconstruction after a breast cancer surgery is the first step to regaining confidence in a breast cancer patient.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy or Lumpectomy

Studies show that about one out of every eight women will experience some form of breast cancer in their lifetime and may even be forced to go for a breast cancer surgery. The statistics for the year 2010 showed that there were about 207,000 cases of invasive breast cancer that were recorded whereas the cases of non-invasive cancer were 54,000. Breast cancer reconstruction is an optional surgical procedure for breast cancer patients. However, most of the women who have undergone breast cancer surgery prefer to add the reconstruction as part of their recovery process. In the same year, 2010, more than 93,000 breast cancer reconstructions were done which was a 20 percent increase as compared to the year before that. The matter of breast reconstruction has been critical to women since the late 90’s as seen by the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights that was passed in the year 1988. This law includes the issue that all the medical institutions that offer the breast cancer surgery should also offer their patients a reconstruction treatment.  The surgical reconstruction should aim at giving symmetry to the two breasts as well as refining the shape and size of the breasts. In some cases, the reconstruction also aims at recreating the woman’s nipple and makes them as natural and attractive as possible.

For most breast cancer patients, the breast cancer treatment will involve three phases. The first phase is the psychological part that involves the removal of the tumor by a surgeon in a breast cancer surgery. The surgeon will either perform a mastectomy or a lumpectomy surgery. The mastectomy involves removal of all the tissues of the breasts from the chest of the patient. The lumpectomy surgery will involve the tumor removal or just a small amount of the tissues surrounding the area. In some cases, radiotherapy may be done alongside the breast cancer surgery so as to ensure any of the cancerous cells that remain are destroyed completely. The type of surgery that will be performed is determined by the size of the breast, the size of the tumor and the patient’s own decision after understanding what both procedures include. On the other hand, the use of radiotherapy in the procedure will be determined by the size of the tumor, its characteristics as well as the type of surgery that is performed.

The second phase of the treatment will involve the pharmacological part of the treatment. In this phase chemotherapy is performed on the patient. The patient may also be put under medication that aims at modulating the hormones in her body. This is to avoid any recurrence. This phase can take as long as a month to a year depending on the body response of the patient to surgery. The length of this period will also be determined by the choice of chemotherapy as well as the characteristics of the tumor.

The final phase is also psychological and involves all the activities done to help the woman recover from the breast cancer surgery.  Studies have shown that one of the best ways to help the woman cope with the cancer is through breast reconstruction. It is because of this fact that most women prefer undergoing a breast cancer reconstruction since it is legal and will go a long way in determining the success of the breast cancer surgery.

The breast reconstruction can be performed either immediately after the surgery or after months or years later depending on the patient. There are several ways that a woman’s breast can be reconstructed but they all fall into two categories. There is the flap reconstruction and the implant reconstruction. The implant reconstruction is more common among patients. In some cases, the patient might even opt for both of the procedure to be performed.

Whichever procedure that is used for the breast reconstruction, the results are always more or less similar. In some instance, the implant can be done during surgery and save you the cost of having to undergo two surgeries. However, it will always remain as the decision of the surgeon after consulting the patient. In conclusion, breast reconstruction goes a long way in assisting women who have undergone a breast cancer surgery to recover both physically and psychologically.

Monday, February 20, 2017

What Women Age Susceptible to Breast Cancer

Women suffering from Breast is a very high chance of breast cancer can be said to threaten women ‘s lives and health 0026 ldquo; 0026 rdquo;. first killer Middle-aged women will get breast cancer is not a disease, many unmarried women are likely to suffer from breast cancer.

So, what age do women susceptible to breast cancer?
Phoenix Chinese medicine experts to specifically explain.
Women suffering from breast cancer, age is not so sure.

In general, middle-aged women, especially 40 0026 mdash; between 60 years old, have a higher prevalence of women before and after menopause.

However, if an unmarried woman or the first birth after 30 - their year-old woman also prone to breast cancer.

Some unmarried women pay attention to body care in daily life, vices more, if there is a family history, then it is very likely to suffer from breast disease and even breast cancer.Experts point out that 30 -year-old -39 years old women because fertility , lactation promotes the body’s hormone discharged, reduced risk of breast cancer, so women in this age their breast problems, usually benign if there will be long-term breast changes or pain, diagnostic tests must be timely medical treatment, good communication with the doctor the disease, if it is suffering from breast disease , then to timely treatment , so as not to worsen the condition occurs , turn into breast cancer.

Experts point out that women suffering from breast disease metropolis, many young women have breast swelling, pain and other symptoms , women do not be too alarmed suspected he was suffering from breast cancer to timely medical diagnosis and treatment of early breast disease will reduce women suffer the chances of breast cancer, so its breast disease is one of the causes leading to breast cancer.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Breast Cancer Reconstruction with Implants

One of the great options after a breast cancer surgery or for women who have earlier had a mastectomy is the breast cancer reconstruction. The procedure allows the restoration of the shape of your breasts by the doctor. This surgery is not really necessary from a medical point of view but most women will see it as a confidence builder and of many benefits to them. The surgical procedure is always safe and can change the life of the woman. However, making the decision to undergo the surgery is usually something big and should be discussed with the doctor first.

After the breast cancer surgery, there are so many types of reconstructions that can be performed on the patient’s breasts. However, the most common reconstruction for the breast cancer patients is the one with implants. In the breast cancer reconstruction procedure, the surgeon adds a device that is filled with either a saline or silicone solution into the walls of the chest where the breasts were previously located. The products that are added to the patient’s chest cavity are always filled with a material that feels like gel. The purpose of this is to ensure that the patient feels comfortable and also create a natural shape for the body. This breast cancer reconstruction procedure is very similar to other procedures that involve the addition of implants to the human body with the main aim of enlarging the size of the tissue.

It is important that the patient who has undergone the breast cancer surgery to discuss in detail what the reconstruction involves. The doctor should be able to tell the patient about the procedure in details and also the risks that are involved. The breast cancer reconstruction just like any other surgical operation also has some amount of risk that is involved. The patient should, therefore, be aware of the risks before making the decision to undergo the surgery. So what are the risks involved? The worst risk of all is that there might be poor healing of the wounds, the implants might rupture or deflate and in some cases, the implant might actually protrude through the body tissue. However, with the modern technology used and qualification of the surgeons, the occurrence of such incidence remains very rare. Other risks that are also involved include, but are not limited to, sensational changes in the breasts, excessive loss of blood and also the increased chance of having to perform other procedures in future. These surgical procedures include having to do an operative surgery so as to treat a ruptured wound.

As a patient, you should not only look at the risks that are involved but also the benefits so that you can make an informed decision. Following the breast cancer surgery, the reconstruction can really help the patient in regaining a more natural body. Always remember that the risks involved are the ones that will determine the success of the procedure. The patient should work with the surgeon involved so that they can come up with the ideal plan of action. They should discuss the shape and size that the patient wants as well as other factors that will contribute to the success of the surgery. In general, the breast cancer reconstruction can really change the life of any individual who undergoes it.

The reconstruction will give the patient’s body more contour, especially in the breast section. The procedure also saves the patient the need for any external prosthesis that is geared to making the mastectomy unnoticeable by others. The breast cancer reconstruction will improve the symmetry of the woman’s breast such that they appear more natural even when under the clothes; this is what builds the confidence of most women.  It also ensures that the general body image of the woman is boosted. Above all the procedure psychologically assists the patient by easing any mental stress that might have accumulated during the breast cancer surgery.

The decision to undergo a breast cancer reconstruction is something the patient will first have to thoroughly discuss with their cosmetic surgeons. The main objective for every woman is to get back the initial feel and sensation they had with their breasts. It makes them feel much better and rectifies the changes brought about by the breast cancer surgery.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

How Much Do You Know about Breast Cancer ?

Breast cancer endanger many women, it is a malignant tumor, increasing in an incidence of the disease, then on the other side, how much you know?

Do you want to know?

So let Chinese experts explain it for you!

Breast cancer is potential and the relatively slow development of nausea tumors.
The main groups of women in the middle period and the other married women without fertility also ones more.

The incidence of breast cancer in the upward trend of the development of our country, in the 1980s the incidence of breast cancer is second only to cervical cancer in women, accounting for the first two female cancer incidence into the 1990s rose to l bit
In addition, breast cancer occurs mainly in the meter body, relatively easy to find, it found the need for timely treatment.

Mainly its causes are estrogen secretion disorder; maternity and nursing as well as genetic.
According to a large survey proved that there is no birth or birth and rarely lactating breast cancer than women repeatedly lactating, breastfeeding women much longer.

In addition, the survey also showed that 10 percent of breast cancer and genetic factors.
Through the above explanation, I believe you have to know a lot of breast cancer now!
So let us together for health care breast care, common sense to know more about breast cancer, breast cancer prevention and better it!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

What Breast Cancer is the Harm to Everyone

Under normal circumstances, breast cancer will give you the body of disease caused serious injury, so patients are very painful.

In order to minimize the hazard of breast cancer, breast cancer -related knowledge we need to have a clearer understanding.

Here, let our experts find out more about the hazards of breast cancer.

The harm caused by breast cancer have to pay attention, otherwise would be very detrimental for the treatment .

In the early breast cancer patients may have a few different degrees of tenderness or nipple discharge.

Relatively rapid growth of breast tumors.

Depression can cause tumor surface of the skin, nipple biased direction of the tumor is located, nipple retraction and so on.

By late through the lymphatic metastasis of breast cancer metastasis can be complicated and a host of other symptoms.

Suffering from breast cancer for a long time , then there will be some loss of appetite hazards.
To advanced breast cancer patients may be 0026 liquor; tumor loss of appetite – cachexia syndrome 0026 ldquo ;

Loss of appetite and cachexia both bad reasons, but also the clinical manifestations of cachexia .
There may be the loss of appetite, anorexia, weight loss, fatigue, anemia and fever and other symptoms, severe cases can lead to life-threatening.

Experts point out that if the advanced breast cancer, then there will be the loss of appetite tumor – cachexia syndrome.

So that patient with symptoms of loss of appetite.

Some patients will be the loss of appetite, anorexia, weight loss, fatigue, anemia and fever and other symptoms, severe cases can lead to life-threatening.

The hazard of breast cancer not only in damage to health, even when serious harm everyone’s lives.
Therefore, we must pay attention to the timely treatment of breast cancer.

Faced with breast disease, we do not need to panic, as long as the discovery of early breast cancer will take measures to control the hazard of breast cancer, we can better achieve better results.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why Such a High Incidence of Breast Cancer

Mention a high incidence of breast cancer, many women will have a sense of fear, the disease is a common malignant tumor in recent years, the incidence of the disease is more rapid clinical increased greatly troubled lives of many women caused.

Many women are wondering why they will suffer from breast cancer, in fact, the cause of the disease occur for many reasons, but those reasons for such a high incidence of the disease is it?
breast hyperplasia, breast cancer, and other diseases frequently attack modern women, a growing number of clinical cases showed that older woman left the chances of suffering from breast disease than their peers to be several times higher for married women.

Many 0026 quot; shengnv 0026 quot; obstetrical dragged on, a lot of people would have delayed marriage and childbearing age over the state line, but also long overdue life events planning.

According to hospital experts say: Approaching left women with breast cancer, breast cancer is the highest incidence of female cancers, ranking second only to lung cancer in cancer deaths.

Only with love, always will be more healthy lactating breasts , and can significantly reduce the risk of cancer .

late marriage, late childbearing, late lactation are the three risk factors lead to high incidence of breast cancer.

Studies have found that women in the 30 -year-old former first birth and breast-feeding, much lower than the 30 -year-old breast cancer risk after childbirth, and breastfeeding women for seven consecutive years can reduce 50% of the risk.

The reason women after pregnancy progesterone secretion, against estrogen and estrogen hormone levels lactating women less relevant.

Studies have evidence to suggest that estrogen can stimulate breast hyperplasia, levels are too high are likely to cause breast cancer.

The reason is not only the incidence of breast cancer complicated and delayed marriage and childbearing as the impact of modern society, many women are still minors to the three -year-old home, which increases the incidence of breast cancer.

So in order to reduce the incidence of breast cancer, women must marry birth at the appropriate age.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Overnight Breast Cancer Prevention to Eat Vegetables

Many white-collar workers now have to bring their own lunch at noon habits, most people are doing the next night to the company, this is the sum of expenditure savings, but eat dishes overnight is harmful to health , it may induce women suffering.

The breast cancer experts remind everyone that breast cancer prevention should avoid eating rice overnight, overnight meals that will produce carcinogens.

While it is in the countryside, eating is the most common dishes overnight phenomenon , and that it is normal, in fact, this approach is unscientific, need pay attention to it, to prevent breast cancer, breast cancer prevention is very important, especially some poor physique of women, but also to strengthen this aspect of attention, not for a moment of frugality and healthy lay hidden.

Overnight dish will lead not only possible, for other diseases are an important factor in cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer prevention needs everyone’s own efforts, long-term eating overnight dish is not necessarily lead to a result of breast cancer, but said that it would increase this risk, will provide an opportunity for the body against disease, so we pay attention to it on the line.

In summary, it is dangerous to eat food overnight, healthy body will produce a warning, so the breast cancer prevention, we must pay more attention to diet in this area, try to avoid all possible triggers, do not wait until the disease with breast cancer to regret, that time is probably too late.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Is Breast Cancer Prevention Possible?

Although there is no magic pill or secret herb that can help in the prevention of breast cancer, there ARE some things that YOU can do that promote prevention with regards to your risk factors. These include:
  • Know your family history

  • If you have a first-degree relative (mother, daughter, sister) that has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you have a higher risk of developing breast cancer yourself. Talk to your family and learn about the diseases that some of them may have and learn what they have had in the past. Be sure to get the specific details like the age of diagnosis and how they were treated. Share this information with your doctor to help customize a preventative plan for you
  • Know Your Breasts

  • No breast is the same as another breast. You are the only person that knows what 'normal' feels and looks like in your breast. Look at them frequently and check them often for lumps and other changes. Click here to learn more about Breast Self-Exams. Also, know your own breast history. Information such as abnormal mammograms and breast biopsies can be very important to your doctor.
  • Limit your hormone usage

  • It is very common for a woman to be given hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat some of the extreme symptoms that come along with menopause. One of the common hormones that are used is Estrogen. Clinical trials have now revealed that the increase in estrogen exposure can now be linked with the increased risk for breast cancer to develop. It is very important to speak with your doctor to decide if the possible risks outweigh the possible benefits of using HRT. It is also strongly advised to use all hormones at the lowest possible dose for the lowest possible duration.
  • Stay Healthy

  • There is research that supports that a healthy lifestyle helps to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. The chance of getting breast cancer increases if a woman becomes obese or overweight after reaching menopause. Living an active lifestyle can help a woman maintain an ideal weight and possibly help with breast cancer prevention. Studies also show that the chances of a woman developing breast cancer increase with the amount of alcohol that a woman drinks.

Prevention with Early Detection

Because there is not a definite prevention method for breast cancer, it is important to follow some important guidelines to ensure that your breast is being checked for the occurrence of breast cancer often. There are the most common and effective methods of early detection for breast cancer:
  • Screening mammograms

  • A screening mammogram is a set of 4-6 x-rays that are taken of your breast. It is recommended that a woman starts getting yearly screening mammograms starting around age 35-40; speak to your doctor about when you need to start getting yearly screening mammograms. After these images are taken, a radiologist will read these pictures and let you know if there is anything that seems abnormal on your mammogram. If you have an abnormal mammogram, the radiologist may recommend that you have more x-rays taken of a specific area and possibly an ultrasound. If findings persist, a breast biopsy may be recommended.
    Many women find that screening mammograms are uncomfortable and embarrassingFinancial concerns for screening mammography are very common. There are many programs in place to help women get free or discounted mammograms. To learn more about your available options, contact your local County Health Department.
  • Clinical Breast Exams (CBE)

  • A clinical breast exam is done by your doctor. It is recommended that a woman starts getting a yearly CBE starting at age 20. Speak to your doctor about when you need to start getting your CBEs and how often you need to get them. Because your doctor will not remember from year-to-year which of your lumps are new or old, do not just rely on your doctor to find worrisome breast lumps.

  • Breast Self-Exams (BSE)

  • Breast Self-Exams are performed by you! It is recommended that women start performing BSEs at age 20. It is best to perform a BSE about 7 days after the first day of your menstrual period. This will allow any extra swelling and tenderness related to your hormonal cycle to not interfere.

    Many women are intimidated to do a BSE because they have so much 'lumpiness' in their breast. Do not let this stop you from trying. It is very important to determine any subtle changes in your tissue so your familiarity with your breast tissue will be extremely important to determine which lumps are 'new'.

Benign Breast Conditions

There are many types of benign breast conditions. Even though these are not cancerous diseases, is it still very important for you to understand these conditions because most women will develop AT LEAST one of these conditions within their lifetime. Know the facts to ease your worries as well as the worries of the women around you.

Breast lumps that are benign

Although most women think that if they a breast lump usually means they have breast cancer. However, this is FALSE. There are several breast lumps that represent benign breast conditions. These lumps can still be mind-boggling to you and can still cause a feeling of 'un-easyness'. Once you know the facts, you will be able to rest better because KNOWLEDGE BRINGS COMFORT!

Types of Benign Breast Lumps:

Breast Cysts
Breast Cysts are one of the most common benign breast conditions that appear as a lump. These occur most frequently in women of child-bearing age. A woman can have one single breast cyst or many, many breast cysts. Once a woman has been diagnosed with a breast cyst, it is very likely that she will develop more cysts.
The amount of estrogen in a woman's body has been linked to the cause of breast cysts. As the hormones levels change with a woman's menstrual cycle, breasts tissue composition also changes. Cysts form when the milk ducts are clogged because of these hormoneal effects on the glandualr and connective tissue within the breast. These changes are referred to as Fibrocystic Changes.
To learn more about Fibrocycstic Breast Disease, CLICK HERE
Symptoms of a breast cyst are:
  • A soft and moveable lump
  • Tenderness in the area of the lump
  • Increasing and decreasing in the size and tenderness of the lump with the menstrual cycle
If it is desired, a woman can choose to have the breast cyst aspirated or surgurically removed. Speak to your doctor if you feel you have a breast cyst. Never assume a that your breast lump is a cyst- a mammogram or breast ultrasound should be used to diagnose all cysts.

A denoma is a solid, benign breast condition. They are solid breast tumors and typically have a 'rubbery' texture. They vary in size from being pea-size to the size of a golf ball. Most fibroadenomas do not hurt or cause any other symptoms.
Because fibroadenomas are made of fibrous and glandular tissues, they can change in size with a woman's menstrual cycle. However, it is more common for a fibroadenoma grow with the menstrual cycle and not to get smaller. Also, breast feeding and pregnancy can cause the sizes of fibroadenomas to grow. These occur most commonly in women bewteen the ages of 20-30.
Diagnosis of a fibroadenoma is typically done with a mammogram or breast ultrasound. For a definitive diagnosis, a biopsy should be performed.

A lipoma by definition is a 'fatty tumor'. Lipomas can be found anywhere within the body, including in the breast. The occurance of a lipoma in a woman's body increases the liklihood of the development of another lipoma eventually forming within her body.
Lipomas are generally painless and present themselves as a very soft, mobile and easily compressible lump. They can occur in any woman of any age. They can form as a result from blunt trauma to the breast or they can form because of no reason at all.
Diagnosis of a breast lipoma can be made clinically, mammographically or with the use of breast ultrasound. If there is any question of the exact diagnosis, a breast biopsy may also be performed.

Other benign breast conditions:

Here are a few more benign breast conditions:
Breast Pain
Breast pain is a general term used to describe a condition that many women face as a normal part of their life. There are many reason a breast may hurt and there are several remedies to help to alleviate this annoying and frustrating condition.
Click here to learn more about Breast Pain and what you can do about it.
Mastitis is a very painful benign breast condition that is usually occurs in mother's who are breastfeeding. The symptoms for mastitis are:
  • Very painful and warm breast
  • Reddness of the breast, usually starting at the nipple region and extending out
  • Extreme pain in the breast while breastfeeding
  • Low-mid grade fever
  • A general feeling of fatigue
As with any infection, mastitis occurs, because of the intoduction of bactria. In this case, it is usually from the bacteria the baby's mouth entering the nipple while breastfeeding. Diagnosing mastitis is usually done clinically however, it must never be confused with the symptoms of Imflammatory Breast Cancer (link).
If you are expereincing mastitis, you doctor will probably put you on an antibiotic and inform you to drink plenty of fluids and get rest.
If symptoms are not relieved, a breast absess can form. 

A breast papilloma is a benign breast condition that appears as a mass that grows within a breast duct. Papillomas are usually detected because of the presence of bloody or straw-colored nipply discharge. Papillomas may also be detected on a screening mammogram or with the use of a Galactogram

It is difficult to diagnose a papilloma with just the use of a mammogram or breast ultrasound. A breast biopsy is the best and most accurate method for diagnosis.

Gynecomastia by definition is a benign breast condition that represents as an overgrown of a man's breast tissue. It can effect one of both of his breast. It often starts as a breast lump and can grow and may even become tender.

Just as a woman's breast grow and develop because of the estrongen levels in her body, just is the same for men. Men in normal situations have low levels of estrogen (Just as women also have low levels of testosterone.). As the levels of estrogen in a male become higher, the size of his breasts may also increase. Other reasons men may develop Gynecomastia include lung cancer, liver cirrhosis, prescription medications and the use of Marijuana or heroin.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

How to Identify Early Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a terrible malignant disease, not only impede the normal life of the majority of women, even as a threat to life and health .

Although the disease is now a disease, high morbidity, but in general, it was found to have been advanced, and which increases the difficulty of treatment .

Few people can identify breast cancer at an early stage, that do not how to identify breast cancer at an early stage it?

A breast self , female friends should their monthly breast self once :

1. Off his shirt, his arms drooping naturally, to observe whether the double nipple mirror symmetry , without exception ;

2. The arms move your head, and then observe whether symmetrical breasts, lumps or skin dimples ;

3. Supine, shoulder Xiadian a flat pillow, fingers straight, flat touch the breast of each region ( Never Yong Shounie breast, because at this time can be mistaken for normal breast tissue mass );

4. The order of the district to check the breast, then put his hand on the top of the armpit (where the arm should drop ), also with straight fingers, Mocha armpit or without enlarged lymph nodes ;

5. Check the areola area ( with finger pressure ), observe whether the nipple fluid outflow. Two regular breast cancer screening , mainly breast ultrasound and mammography film and other tests.

Experts suggest 30 years of age 2 to 3 years to check once, 30 to 40 years old, 1 to 2 years to check once, for women over the age of 40, especially those with risk factors (refer to family genetic history, unmarried, without a child, there are women with benign breast disease) checked once a year .

Third, breast lumps are often early symptoms of breast cancer, and breast lumps in many respects very similar to benign breast tumor, therefore, touch on mass alone to determine its nature, is inaccurate, you must go to the hospital.

Women in no- lactating nipple discharge milk sample, blood, watery liquid, such as, should be noted, because of some patients with breast cancer, especially those with unilateral breast discharge.

A female friend for their own health, we must always observe their own breast health, such as unusual, in a timely manner to the hospital for examination and treatment, the likelihood of early detection of breast cancer cure is great, I hope people are able to pay close attention.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Eat Tofu Can Prevent Breast Cancer

Tofu , in our lives most common foods, do not underestimate this humble bean curd, the human body is very good, especially for a female friend, eat tofu can not only have a cosmetic effect, but also can be a good starting to breast cancer preventive effect, so usually a female friend to remember to eat some tofu to prevent disease.

According to the study found that women who regularly eat tofu with a very low risk of breast cancer, so the breast cancer prevention, tofu is an indispensable food, which is mainly because the compounds in soy isoflavones have estrogen role.

Related to soy also play the same effect, can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence and death.

Compared with the lowest intake group, most of the soy protein intake in breast cancer patients , it can reduce the risk of death by 29% , reduce the risk of recurrence by 32% .

Tofu preventive effect on breast cancer is understandable, therefore, a female friend to small children, the big to the elderly, should eat some tofu or soy intake of 11 grams of soy protein a day or so (about dried beans 30 grams) of breast cancer patients, their lowest mortality and recurrence rates .

As such conversion, eat 100 grams North tofu, or mellow drink 500 milliliters of milk, you can get adequate amounts of soy protein.

At this point, we eat tofu should understand why it can prevent breast cancer, breast cancer, there are many preventive measures , but diet is one very important aspect, so Xiaobian remind you usually must pay attention to a healthy diet, do not eat some of the body useless or even harmful food, breast cancer patients to manage their mouth.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mistakes Related to Breast Cancer

Cause The etiology of breast cancer complicated, so either treatment or prevention are unavoidable errors occur, the cause can not be judged from a certain breast cancer patients to clinical judgment, like some cause some breast cancer factor is based on years of research science to the conclusion that the real reason for breast cancer is still an unknown, so common sense to understand some of the breast .

You know, life in breast cancer etiology is more, women are the most vulnerable to the invasion of breast cancer , so the majority of women with breast cancer want to know a bit more common sense in order to avoid misunderstanding into breast cancer, do not blindly believe that contraceptives
can cause breast cancer, regular breast x-rays can not prevent or reduce the chance of developing breast cancer .

This check can only be diagnosed with breast cancer, so that breast cancer mortality by 16% .
Not to think of breast cancer is a lump breast, a small number of patients is not, and does not have any symptoms.

Life, there are a lot of women still think a small chest of a woman suffering from breast cancer is low probability, this is the lack of knowledge of the performance of breast cancer, in fact, has nothing to do with breast cancer and breast size, and ductal or lobular but related, this Number two is that all women are the same , and its main function is to manufacture and deliver milk to the nipple.

The size of the breast, usually the amount of fat matrix ( fibrous tissue), whereas almost no relationship with the chance of suffering from breast cancer.

These are often related to breast cancer occur misunderstanding, I hope we can re- breast cancer awareness through the article, have some knowledge of breast cancer is essential, not only conducive to the prevention of disease, but also give the patient a better introduction to a friend
correct treatment.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

How Does Breast Cancer Specific Genetic

According to the research findings, breast cancer not only with the onset of factors related to women themselves but also have a certain relationship with the inheritance, if the family had breast cancer in women, often suffering from breast cancer, no family history of probability than women to be high, so exactly how the disease of breast cancer genetic it?

Here to tell you about.

Currently, hereditary breast cancer has been recognized, but according to the survey data on breast cancer patients showed that 5% to 10 % of breast cancers are familial.

If a close relative with breast cancer, the increased risk of illness from 1.5 to 3 times; If two close relatives with breast cancer, the prevalence rate will increase seven -fold.

Age of onset of the lighter, the risk of breast cancer in the larger relatives.

It can be proven that breast cancer is likely genetic, there is a clear familial tendency.

In addition, breast cancer, while having certain genetic resistance, but this is no rules to follow genetically, people are able to master these laws if the words on the prevention of disease more helpful.

Modern medicine has proved that there is a family history of breast cancer, also known as familial cancer, clinically proven, women with breast cancer have a grandmother or mother of the family, sisters, and breast cancer, which is consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance, is a site-specific
the genetic type whose family members are breast cancer sensibility.

Here to remind patients suffering from breast hyperplasia or fibroma, to be a vigilant and aggressive treatment to prevent breast cancer, and passed on to me, and then passed on to their children a vicious cycle occurs, because of high-risk breast cancer susceptibility gene mutation in the family.

These are common sense on the introduction of breast cancer conducted, women who want to be able to provide some help, we can know through the introduction of genetic breast cancer are certain rules to follow, therefore, there is a family history of breast cancer in women who it must be good for breast cancer prevention.

Friday, February 3, 2017

The Etiology of Breast Cancer with Long Bra is Not Unrelated

Although the cause of breast cancer is not clear, but it and many other factors are inseparable from the relationship.

Breast cancer is a severe disease, most common in female patients.

Foreign researchers found that the probability of bra time over 12 hours of the occurrence of breast cancer in female friends is much higher than ordinary people.

Experts pointed out: breast cancer etiology and the long bra are not unrelated, we should develop healthy living habits.

If the non-public places or at home can try not to wear a bra, which is beneficial to the prevention of breast cancer.

If the long-term wear bras, breasts beneath the site will have an adverse blood pressure, fibrosis phenomenon, and the formation of hypertrophic cable strip, pressing pain.

In addition, choose a bra should choose comfortable, not tired too tight, so the impact on women’s health is great.

Shoulder straps too tight can cause discomfort, in addition, it will also allow the bra move, now has a steel bra bottom bracket fixed width , so if the bra move, the harder the steel prop will oppression breast tissue, if a girl in sports, the bra on the move, be sure to promptly adjust underwear.

Many women wear the breast during that shift focus moves from outside to inside, the results of the breast shape pretty and beautiful, but the impact of lymphatic drainage, slow metabolism, increase in mammary gland toxins, increased risk of illness.

above to explain to the cause of breast cancer with a long bra is not unrelated, I believe we have the knowledge and understanding of their right, I hope you can give us some help.

If you have other causes for breast cancer problem, you can consult online experts, they will give you a more detailed answer.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What are the Causes of Breast Cancer

Breast disease has been more of a female disease in the world of medical research, and breast cancer is the most harmful one, then what causes breast cancer?

Phoenix Chinese medicine experts introduced to the channel, breast cancer is more special kind of cancer, its etiology is complex, but this is not a complete statement on medicine, generally considered several types of factors described in the article may be associated with breast cancer
forming a relationship.

Expert Phoenix TCM channels give us the causes of breast cancer:

  1. Genetic factors: It is the most common type of argument, and we all know that many diseases tend to have genetic breast diseases are nothing more than breast cancer. In cancer, breast cancer genetic correlations are higher species. Abroad detection brcal ( breast cancer gene 1), brca2 ( breast cancer gene 2 ) genes to infer familial breast cancer risk factors.
  2. Endocrine disorders : due to the impact of endocrine hormone disorder leads to the female body , which also has a great relationship with the breast cancer cause, the most important is that the absolute level of estrogen level is too high or relatively too high. Both genetic factors or exogenous hormones estrogen levels caused by excessive intake of high risk factors for breast cancer are .
  3. Emotional factors : modern medicine is not negative emotions will affect breast health , so the causes of breast cancer may also have a great relationship with the emotions .
  4. Environmental factors : Now a lot of food safety are unqualified, but also by a variety of environmental pollution , unhealthy eating habits and radiation contamination , and so are likely to stimulate breast cancer.

Modern TCM will believe that the main causes of breast cancer are due to excessive thinking, depression, liver, and spleen caused two injuries, leading to qi and phlegm coagulation each other, and induced breast cancer.

There are of course the reason for the formation of breast cancer , some experts also pointed out that there are many factors that have day will affect breast health, so a female friend to pay attention to their daily lives breast health care , prevention of breast cancer.