Saturday, February 25, 2017

What are The Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most talked about diseases in the world today, so it stands to reason that knowing what symptoms of breast cancer could cause. Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer can create could be the first sign that there is a problem and should be looked at by a medical professional.

First of all breast cancer can affect more than just the breast, it is called breast cancer because of where it originates, not because that is all that is affected. One of the biggest symptoms of breast cancer has been known to produce is a lump in the breast tissue. There are many lymph nodes and glands within the breast tissue, so it is important to be able to differentiate between a lump that has been there for years and a new lump. The lump would also be relatively pain-free, rigid or hard, and more than likely would have asymmetric or rough edges. Glands and lymph nodes would not have these properties.

Breast cancer symptoms and signs can be very similar to not only other types of cancer but also other types of illnesses or conditions. Breast pain and swelling of the breasts can often be associated with a premenstrual symptom or even a symptom of pregnancy, but it is also one of the breast cancer symptoms and signs that should not be ignored. On the other hand, a lump under the arm is often associated with lymphoma, cysts, and even some infections, but it has been listed as one of the breast cancer symptoms and signs that should not be left to chance.

Breast cancer it, not a limiting disease. Breast tissue exists in both women and men, thus creating a new set of symptoms of male breast cancer. The new, painless, rigid, and oddly shaped lump is one of the common symptoms of male breast cancer that also occurs in women. It is not widely known that men can get breast cancer just as much as women. Also, a discharge containing blood or looking almost filmy from the nipple is very often one of the symptoms of male breast cancer. When left unchecked, breast cancer in males can spread to the bones causing unexplained pain in the bones. Symptoms of male breast cancer can become very generic when left unchecked, including weakness and a sudden and extreme loss of weight, which are also symptoms of many different kinds of cancer, illness, and conditions.

There are many symptoms of breast cancer can present with, the most common being a sudden appearance of a hard, asymmetrical lump in the breast. This is one of the symptoms of male breast cancer as well as female breast cancer. Breast cancer signs and symptoms should never be ignored and should be brought to the attention of a medical professional upon discovery. While the symptoms breast cancer can cause could be attributed to many other conditions, diseases, or even other forms of cancer, it is always important to keep an eye out for breast cancer symptoms and signs and more particularly the symptoms of male breast cancer to take advantage of early detection.

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