Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Why do I have Breast Pain?

The Bad News: Your Breasts hurt.
The Good News: Breast pain is not usually associated with breast cancer.
Just because it is not a common symptom of breast cancer -it still HURTS!!!
Many women suffer with this uncomfortable condition and get frustrated because it affects their lives...don't give in; there are a few things you must know if you are having breast pain. This benign condition IS TREATABLE

Know the Specifics

Before seeking professional help with this bothersome condition. Be able to describe EXACTALLY what you are feeling. Use these specifics for guidance:
  • Where does it hurt?
  • Know if this pain is 'all over' your breast or if it is just in one specific spot. Is it also tender in your arm pit? Is it deep or just on the skin surface?
  • What type of pain is it?
  • Does it burn? Ache? Throb? All of the above?
  • When does it hurt?
  • Is it associated with your menstrual cycle? Does it just hurt when you touch it? Worse at night? Does it come and go? Only hurt when you think about it?
  • How intense is it?
  • Learn how to scale your discomfort on a 1-10 scale. Can you wear a bra? Are you able to sleep on your stomach? Can someone hug you? Does it interrupt your regular activities?
  • Time Span
  • How long has it been hurting? Was it an instant sensation or gradual? How did you first discover it?
  • Any lumps?
  • Along with this tenderness, any lumps? More than one lump? History of breast cysts or fibrocystic breast changes
Being able to answer these will help your doctor to better diagnose your condition. If you have a difficult area to find, be sure to mark it with a marker. This will ensure that you find the same area in the office as you did at home,

Tips to Revive YOUR Pain

Here are several tips that have helped some women with their breast pain. If one doesn't work, try another. Most of the time, women will try a combination of these to help with their discomfort.
  • Wear a sturdy and supportive bra
  • Try to find a bra that really limits the movement of your breasts. It may even be helpful to wear it at night
  • Apply heat or cold
  • Try using a heat or cold pack. Cold may help to decease the swelling of your breasts and heat may help to alleviate the painful sensation.
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Try limiting your tea and coffee for a few weeks. Many women notice instant relief from their breast tenderness.
  • Breast Message
  • Simple message techniques may give you relief. Try this in the shower while using soap as the lubricant. Move your finger tips in small circles along your entire breast.(This will also be a great way to check for any breast lumps!)
  • Experiment with Herbals
  • Some herbs and vitamins have been know to treat breast discomfort. Some common vitamins and herbs are: Vitamin B1, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil. Check with your doctor before starting any vitamin regimine.
  • Medical intervention
  • For stubborn breast pain, you may need medical intervention such as a cyst aspiration, acupuncture, or acupressure. Talk to your doctor about these possible options.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Breast Cancer Facts

Stick with the TRUTH

Breast Cancer Facts: It is very important that you stick with JUST THE FACTS when you have breast cancer. There is a lot of information that is incorrect and can cause more fear that necessary. Please use this information to calm your mind and ease your fears. Breast Cancer is NOT a death sentence. Be in control of your thoughts!
  • To have a more accurate reading on your mammogram, prior exams are needed for comparison reason. If you change imaging facilities be sure that your prior mammograms are mailed to your new facility.
  • You should find out your mammogram results in 30 days or less. Ask your technologists how long you should expect for results.
  • A breast biopsy does not mean that you have breast cancer. In fact, only around 20% of breast biopsies come back as breast cancer.
  • Just because you have a mammogram does not mean you will discover that you have breast cancer. Only 2-4 mammograms actually discover a cancerous mass in a breast.
  • If you are nervous about having a male technologist or radiologist, you may request to have a female. To ensure that your request can be approved, you may want to call the imaging facility and ask to speak with a supervisor or director.
  • Be sure to wipe off all deodorant and powders prior to having your mammogram. They sometimes can represent various breast abnormalities.
  • Approximately 80% of women with Breast Cancer have no known family history. Do not let your family history determine your need for a mammogram.
  • Early detection of breast cancer will increase your chances of successful treatment. Successful treatment will cure your disease.
  • Your risk of breast cancer increases as your get older
  • One in 8 women will develop breast cancer

  • The amount of radiation during a mammogram is extremely low. Do not let your fear of radiation prevent you from getting a mammogram. You receive more radiation during dental x-rays that you do getting a mammogram.
Although it can be a scary disease, knowing the facts about breast cancer can save your life and help you are personal outlook.
Click here to learn more about facts about diagnosing breast cancer.

Monday, November 28, 2016

What is a Galactogram?

A galactogram (also called a ductogram) is a test that examines your milk ducts in your breast. With the use of a special x-ray contrast and mammograms, a radiologist can determine if there are any abnormalities in your ducts.

Who benefits from a Galactogram?

A particular test is recommended for patients with suspected milk duct abnormalities. The most common symptom for a nipple abnormality is nipple discharge. Speak to your doctor if you are having any sudden changes with your nipple, such as nipple discharge.

How is the Exam Performed?

A trained radiologist will evaluate your nipple for any discharge. Once the duct that is producing the discharge is identified, the radiologist will slide a very tiny catheter through the desired duct. The contrast agent is then injected into this duct with the use of a syringe attached to the catheter. Special mammograms will be taken after the contrast has been injected. The radiologist will study the ductal pathway and determine if any filling defects or 'road-blocks' are seen.

How to Prepare

There is no specific type of preparation for this test but it is recommended that you eat beforehand as it could become a lengthy process to find the exact duct that is producing the discharge. Also, it is very important to not try to express nipple discharge yourself before this test. This will ensure that the doctor will be able to better express the discharge on the day of your exam. If no discharge is present on the day of the exam, it is possible that the exam may have to be rescheduled.

Getting Your Results

You will receive your results from your doctor. Sometimes the preliminary results will actually be given to you on the same day as this exam from the performing radiologist. If a filling defect is identified, you may be recommended to a surgeon for the removal of this area.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

Researchers have yet to discover a definite reason that a woman develops breast cancer, however, there are several risk factors for breast cancer that have been linked to the development of breast cancer. Here are the main ones:
  1. Gender Being a woman automatically puts you at higher risk to develop breast cancer. Although men can develop breast cancer, the occurrence is very low.
  2. Age As a woman's age increases, the odds of her to develop breast cancer also increase. Although breast cancer does not always play by the rules, most breast cancers occur after menopause.
  3. Race Breast cancer is more common in white women than in Latin, Asian or African-American women.
  4. Personal History Once a woman has had breast cancer, her chances of developing it again are stronger.
  5. Family History Breast cancer in a first-degree relative such as a mother, sister or daughter increases a woman's chances of developing breast cancer herself. Click here to learn more about Genetically inherited breast cancer.
  6. Reproduction History Having children after the age of 30 or not having children at all increases a woman's odds of developing breast cancer. The older a woman is when she has her first child, the more at risk she is.
  7. Menarche and Menopause Because estrogen levels can affect the occurrence of breast cancer, the woman who had their first period before age 12 and women who reach menopause after age 55 have a higher likelihood of developing breast cancer.
  8. Breast Composition Dense breast tissue is usually due to the number of ducts and lobules. The denser the breast tissue the higher the woman's chances of developing breast cancer. Click here to learn more about special imaging considerations for women with dense breast tissue.
  9. Hormone usage Women taking oral contraceptives or hormone therapy are classified as having a higher likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Other Contributors to Breast Cancer:

  • Inactive Lifestyle
  • Alcohol Use
  • Previous Radiation Exposure
  • Being Overweight

Just because you have these risk factors....

Just because you may have one or all of these risk factors does not mean that you will eventually have breast cancer. However, it DOES mean that you should discuss this information about your personal history with your doctor. He or she will help you to make a plan to keep you on the offense of this disease. 

How to Reduce YOUR Risk for Breast Cancer?

Several contributors that may increase your chances of developing breast cancer may be beyond your control and may be unchangeable (ie. gender, race, family history). However, there are several things you must know if you are interested in reducing your chances of developing breast cancer.

Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy

Breast cancer and chemotherapy can sometimes go hand-in-hand. 
After a woman (or man) is diagnosed with breast cancer, the oncologist may present chemotherapy drugs as a treatment option. Chemotherapy, also known as chemo, consists of specialized drugs that attack cancer cells in the body. Chemotherapy may be used alone to treat your breast cancer or it may be used in conjunction with other drugs or radiation therapy. Chemotherapy can be given with pills or through IV injections.

Why Chemotherapy?

Your oncologist may decide to treat your breast cancer with chemotherapy. The goal of chemo is to keep cancer from spreading by slowing down cancer's growth. Chemo attacks all of cancer in your body, even cancer that may have spread to other areas in your body. The ultimate purpose of chemo is the CURE YOUR CANCER!
Chemo is a great weapon for breast cancer and other types of cancer. However, it also comes with come negatives. Along with attacking the cancer cells, it also attacks normal cells in your body. The good news: these normal cells can repair themselves and return to normal.

Side effects of Chemotherapy:

Using chemotherapy for your breast cancer may save your life but that doesn't mean the road will be easy. Here are a few side effects that may come with it:
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Hair Loss
  • Mouth and Skin Changes
  • Emotional Changes
  • Sexual Changes
You may or may not experience any or all of these symptoms. Speak to your doctor about what you may experience with your treatment and how you can overcome these symptoms.

Keep in mind most of these side effects are TEMPORARY!

Lymph Node Testing

Lymph node testing is a very important process in treating breast cancer. This is needed if it is possible that your breast cancer could have metastasized into your lymphatic system. Even if there is no sight of invasion before your surgery it must be evaluated on a microscopic level. 

The stage at which your breast cancer was discovered determines the need for this test.
The sentinel node is the first in the string of many lymph nodes that act as a drainage system for your breast. A doctor may order a test called a 'Sentinel Node Injection' to be done a few hours before your surgery.

This test is usually done by your surgeon or a radiologist. It consists of a small amount of radioactive tracer being injected into your breast. A local anesthetic may be used for this injection, however, not much can be used as it may interfere with how the radioactive agent is absorbed by your lymphatics. This injection is usually done within a few hours of going into the operating room. Patients may experience a burning or stinging sensation at the time of this injection, however, it goes away rather quickly.

Once in surgery, the surgeon uses a special device called a Geiger counter. It detects the radioactive dye's path in the lymphatic system. Once these lymphatic system has been located, the first in line (the Sentinel Node) is surgically removed and immediately sent to the pathology department for analysis.

The results of this test give your surgeon 2 options:
  • If positive, the surgeon can perform an axillary node dissection. The purpose of this would be to determine how many other lymph nodes have been involved.
  • If negative, the surgeon can rest assured that the rest of the lymphatic system is clear as well.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Mastectomy: The Total Removal of Breast

Mastectomy is another type of Breast Cancer Surgery in which total removal of the breast which includes the nipple and areola is affected. This type of surgical procedure is performed by the surgeon to treat the patient who is diagnosed to have breast cancer. In general, a newly diagnosed woman with breast cancer may have the option for their surgical treatment. Surgeons may suggest lumpectomy (partial removal of the breast tissue including the tumor) or mastectomy. However, in mastectomy, chances of recurring breast cancer are lesser compared to lumpectomy, therefore, this type of Breast Cancer Surgery is better than the other one. The only problem for this is the outcome of the surgery wherein the breast is removed. It will affect the self-image of the patient.

Situations where newly diagnosed women are bound to have this type of Breast Cancer Surgery include:
  1. After radiologic or imaging examination, the tumor inside the breast is too big. Lumpectomy is the removal of the tumor and the surrounding tissue is not ideal since there will be very less breast tissue will remain after the surgery;
  2. If the patient does not want to undergo radiotherapy after the surgery, especially those who are pregnant or lactating women. It will harm the fetus especially when it is still in the process of organogenesis (development of the organ);
  3. If she wants to have the assurance that fewer chances for the recurrence of breast cancer after choosing mastectomy as an option.
  4. If the tumor found in the breast is more than one quadrant of the breast. Mastectomy is much suggested than lumpectomy.
Before, mastectomy is performed by the surgeon which includes the total removal of the breast tissue as well as the lymph nodes which are found in the armpit area (axilla) through the procedure of lymph node dissection. But for some reasons and innovations, this type of Breast Cancer Surgery have been changed slightly, surgeons decide to remove the first few lymph nodes and draining some of the breast tissue instead of removing all the lymph nodes is better. This procedure has been referred to as sentinel lymph node biopsy. After this, the approach for mastectomy has been changed as well. The surgeon will decide what type of Breast Cancer Surgery will be performed to the patient, the decision will be based on the characteristics of the tumor, the breast tissue, and the surgeon.
The following are different types of Breast Cancer Surgery which are mastectomy:
  • Simple or Total Mastectomy. This procedure involves the total removal of breast tissues but leaves the muscle tissues which are found below the breast. This procedure is associated with sentinel lymph node biopsy.
  • Traditional Mastectomy. The skin of the breast including the nipple and areola complex is being removed by the surgeon. It is the most common type of mastectomy that is preferred by the cancer patients.
  • Skin-Sparing. This type of mastectomy is the same with traditional type. The only difference is the skin that is removed is those that are in the nipple and areola only.
  • Nipple-Sparing. The nipple remains but the incisions are made through here and leave the areola intact. The removal of the breast tissue is done and it requires the bigger incision. This often used an S-shape incision.
  • Total Skin-Sparing. The breast tissue is removed but the surgeon leaves the skin (including the skin of the areola and the nipple). Usually, the surgeon makes an incision at the external part of the breast or around the areola of the breast.
  • Modified Radical Mastectomy. This procedure performed by the surgeon involves the removal of the entire breast tissue including the skin of the areola and nipple. It is associated with the removal of the lymph nodes found in the armpit (axillary nodes). The surgeon usually makes an incision for about 6 to 8 inches. Woman with breast cancer who undergone this type of Breast Cancer Surgery can choose from the immediate or delayed reconstruction of the breast.
  • Radical Mastectomy. This procedure involves the entire removal of the breast tissue including the skin of the areola and nipples. The lymph nodes in the armpit area are also removed. The breast muscle which is attached to the chest wall is also removed. This is very common from the previous practices but due to the extent of the surgery plus the innovation of different approaches for Breast Cancer Surgery, this is rarely performed by the surgeon to treat the patient who is diagnosed to have breast cancer.
Due to an innovation of this surgery, mastectomies have been classified into different types which are based on the extent and segment of the breast are being removed. Options will be discussed with the surgeon right after the series of tests that are used before the operation.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Ideal and Restricted Exercises after Breast Cancer Surgery

There are women who have good or poor body response to surgery. A woman who undergone Breast Cancer Surgery may or may not manifests unusual symptoms that are considered as clinical manifestations of serious and life-threatening complication. Some may state that they suffered from stiffness, feeling of numbness or intense pain due to the removal of the breast tissue and another surrounding part of the breast, especially when the nerves at the chest wall are damaged during the operation. However, there are women who respond to the surgery very well in which they did not suffer from any unwanted symptoms or even the slightest complications that can possibly occur after the surgery. Regardless of presence or absence of these symptoms, as long as the woman is able to ambulate and the surgeon clears them, they can go back to their usual daily activities of living including exercises.

Usually, as early as possible, the client who undergone Breast Cancer Surgery is advised to perform simple exercises. One day post-operative, the client is advised to perform deep breathing exercises. The purpose of this exercise is to maintain the movement of the lungs. Oxygen is needed by the body through the efforts of the pneumocytes (cells of the lungs) it releases fluids that prevent friction in the lungs causing atelectasis. Atelectasis and pneumonia are the very common complication to the patient who undergone the major operation without moving. The doctor advises the client to perform passive range of motion exercises which includes arm lifting or closing and an opening of the hand. The purpose of this exercise is to decrease inflammation and help the movement of the lymph fluids.

One week after the Breast Cancer Surgery, the draining tubes are being removed. The activities improve as well. The doctor may suggest to the client who undergone this procedure to perform the range of motion exercises such as the lifting of non-heavy materials overhead, squeezing of the shoulder blades simultaneously, bending and extending of the arms from right to left side. This form of exercise should be repeated for about two to three times in a day.

One month after the Breast Cancer Surgery, the client should observe the incision site. A regular check-up to the surgeon will monitor the progress of the healing period. The status of the incision site can determine the activities of the client. Usually, if the operative site is fully healed at this point, stretching and strengthening exercises are suggested. However, if the incision is not yet fully healed, this must be avoided because strenuous activities like this type of exercises can cause the suture of the incision site to open. It will only delay the healing process and worst another reparative operation will be done. For instance that the incision site is fully healed, the client is advised to carry lightly weighted items for about 2 to 5 pounds of weights. This should be raised to each side and must be lifted over the head and across the body.

The advantages of these exercises after the Breast Cancer Surgery is to prevent the occurrence of complications as well as to improve the blood flow and it helps the incision site to recover. It can also decrease the formation of blood clots in the operative site. Organ failure involving the heart and lungs will be prevented as well.

The client is advised when performing these exercises, they must carefully perform it with precautions. Moving must be done gradually. If pain appears right after exercising, they must immediately report it to the surgeon. Any feeling of unusual heaviness, swelling that worsens or a sudden feeling of numbness and tingling sensation must be referred to the physician.
Patient who undergone Breast Cancer Surgery is also indicated for a series of chemotherapy, there are various ways to administer chemotherapy. Most of the time, a catheter or port is used as a route for administering medications. If this route is used to patient, they are restricted to some exercises which involves the strengthening of the upper part of body. It is very important for the client to consult the surgeon or medical doctor before executing the exercised because there are activities that are restricted to the condition of the patient. Instead of getting the benefit of exercises, it will only worsen the condition.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Post-Operative Measures after Breast Surgery

It is very unfavorable for a woman who is diagnosed to have breast cancer. It’s difficult to adjust and the coping mechanisms of the subject are affected. Family members of the cancer patient should remain strong especially in dealing with the problem. A surgical procedure is performed to treat breast cancer. Breast Cancer Surgery is the final option suggested by the physician. There are significant measures that are very useful during the recovery period right after the surgical procedure.

The most common question from a patient who undergone Breast Cancer Surgery is the extent of the recovery period; the longer the period a patient stays in the hospital will also determine the amount of time spent for the recovery period at home. Having drainage and stitches at the operative site is very common to most cases of operation. Therefore, careful and hygienic management of the operative site is very essential to avoid serious complications.

Usually, right after the Breast Cancer Surgery, a home care instruction is provided by the nurses and other health care provider to the folks of the patient. An actual demonstration of wound care is shown and discuss so that the instructions are easily understood by the folks.

Care of the Incision of Operative Site
One of the responsibilities of the nurse is to perform hygienic dressing into the operative site while the patient is still hospitalized after the Breast Cancer Surgery. It is advisable that someone from the family of the patient should carefully observe the proper way of performing the incision care. The purpose for this is to promote home care management. Usually, medical supplies are being provided by the hospital or sometimes lists of these items are included in the home care instructions. The instruction is given to the patient or folks before discharging from the hospital. Care of the incision site includes procedure on how to apply topical medication, perform wound dressings, application of gauze using aseptic technique and other antibiotics are taken orally to prevent possible infection.

When performing wound care, it is advisable that the person who is doing it should be gentle enough especially when taking good care of the operative site. Removing of the gauze should be done carefully. The purpose of this method is to prevent tearing of the site which can worsen the condition. Application of the topical medication must base on the instruction of the physician, this is to maximize the effects of the medications at the wound site.

Care of the Drain
After the Breast Cancer Surgery, the draining tube is placed in the operative site to remove unnecessary fluids such as pus that can cause infections. The draining tubes remain for several days. An actual demonstration for proper management of the draining tube is performed by the nurse. Someone from the family of the patient must observe the proper way of cleaning and draining of the tubes. Measuring of the fluids is sometimes required by the surgeon. This is to monitor the amount of fluid draining out of the operative site. This is an indicator of bleeding, so it should be accurately measured and referred to the surgeon.

For further management, the patient should regularly visit the surgeon to monitor the progress of the recovery. At the same time, it also prevents the occurrence of complications related to Breast Cancer Surgery such as bleeding and infection. It should be done as early as the patient is capable of ambulating. Danger signs and symptoms should be reported to the surgeon as soon as it appears, in order to avail for the prescribed medications and practice safe management for the condition.

These are the post-operative measures that are very important for the patient and the family members to understand in order for them to provide sufficient assistance to the patient who is suffering from the agony and pain of their condition. Total support and encouragement from the family members should be strengthened especially most cancer patients are not happy with their condition plus the fact that the length of their life span is limited if in case that cancer worsens. The best way for this is to have the patient join a certain support group with the same condition to the patient. This is to allow them to ventilate their feelings and experience that can help them deal with their condition.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Preparations Before Mastectomy

Studies show that there are 6 out of 10 women are diagnosed to have cancer in the breast. Most of these women ages from 35 and above are the subject of the concerned condition. Due to hormonal activity, the female hormones stimulated by the pituitary gland are declining as the woman grows old. Nevertheless, early diagnosis of the condition will be treated with Breast Cancer Surgery, with a good prognosis from the surgeon. There are some important details regarding the preparations for a person who is suggested to undergo this procedure.

Special precautions should be taken into consideration before submitting the patient for Breast Cancer Surgery. There are certain factors that can predispose an individual towards undesirable complications if these measures were not fully anticipated and practiced. The person who is diagnosed to have breast cancer should consult a surgeon regarding the possible treatment. Information related to surgery, both advantages and disadvantages should be tackled during the pre-consultation period. The surgeon usually provides a reading material to the patient or an actual discussion will be done so that the patient will have enough knowledge about her condition.

With the help of the internet service, research articles about Breast Cancer Surgery can be found in some websites that can provide further information and answer to all concerns of the person. Most, importantly, the family and significant others should participate with the responsibility for managing the condition of a cancer patient. Oncological Nurses can also provide a brief discussion about the care management for the patients who are emotionally disturbed with their condition. There are founded groups as well that can contribute to the knowledge of the person on how to deal with life being a cancer patient.

Once the patient has sufficient knowledge with the condition and the Breast Cancer Surgery, it is time to undergo series of laboratory and radiologic tests that are needed before the operation. Blood test including the blood typing should be furnished because there are times that the surgeon will ask for a reserve blood since it will be needed for the surgery. Blood loss is part of the surgery; therefore a standby blood must be available. This is to prevent further complications related to massive blood loss. Examinations pertaining to cardio and pulmonary functioning should be done. ECG (electrocardiogram) is the most common test used to check and monitor the electrical functioning of the heart. Once the patient has a heart problem, she will have difficulty dealing with any surgical procedure same with the respiratory conditions. The purpose of these tests is to identify the condition of the patient regarding on how the body responds normally to the effects of the anesthesia to be used in the surgery.

Before deciding to undergo Breast Cancer Surgery, it is better to have an imaging test of the breast. This is to provide a clear picture of the breast condition to the surgeon. It will be easier for the surgeon to plan his or her operation if they have seen the extent of cancer. However, for some practices, many surgeons will suggest that the patient should have adjuvant therapy prior to the operation. The purpose of this therapy is to reduce the size of the tumor if in case that the breast cancer is localized by the presence of a tumor. Once the tumor size reduces, it will be easier for the surgeon to remove the tumor instead of removing the entire or part of the breast which is very depressing to the part of the person.

The cancer patient should arrange a leave from their employer ahead of time. Usually, the recovery period for this procedure is quite long. It will disrupt the normal activated performed by the patient, have someone who will assist the patient in terms of self-care activities. It will be difficult for the patient to perform these activities because of the immobility to the upper extremities due to the presence of the operative site. Finally, the patient should ask for the possible manifestation of any complications that may arise after the surgery. This is to enhance their knowledge and initiative to communicate with the surgeon or to any health care provider if in case that some unwanted signs and symptoms will appear during the recovery period. The purpose of this measure is to alleviate the level of the patient’s anxiety resulting in increasing stress level that will only delay or cancel the patient's Breast Cancer Surgery.

These special precautions are very important and should be followed accordingly before deciding to have a surgical treatment for breast cancer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Breast Cancer Organizations

They are here for you!

There are many Breast Cancer Organizations that may benefit you if you are a patient going through this disease. Each one has been designed to help women just like you. Some provide additional information about this disease while some have been formed primarily to help with financial assistance needs.

Here are just a few that you may wish to contact for additional information:

Informational Organizations:

American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Network 1-800-227-2345
American Cancer Society Reach to Recovery 1-800-227-2345
National Alliance of Breast Cancer 1-212-719-0154
National Cancer Institute Cancer Information Service 1-800-422-6237
National Lymphedema Network 1-800-541-3259
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 1-800-462-9273

Financial Assistance Organizations:

CancerCare Inc. 1-212-302-2400
Hill-Burton Free Care Program 1-800-638-0742
Patient Advocate Foundation 1-800-532-5274
Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) 301-650-8868

Monday, November 21, 2016

What Kind of Women Prone to Breast Cancer

What kind of women likely to have breast cancer ?
On this issue, experts say, Phoenix Chinese medicine breast channels, breast cancer is one of the threats to women ‘s lives and health of the most common diseases, the incidence rate second only to cancer, especially for some high-risk groups, the incidence is much higher than usual

Here, we take a look at these high risk for breast cancer now. in the end what women susceptible to breast cancer do new ? The etiology of breast cancer is more complex, and the high incidence of breast cancer in women are the following :

1. Dense breasts and hard real women.
Research indicates that female breasts more dense , more rigid , the greater the risk of breast cancer .
Breasts are too strong , especially women with some lumps should consult a physician as soon as possible or make checks in order to detect anomalies , to take appropriate preventive measures.

2. People do too many women.
The crowd repeatedly will change the female hormone levels , the growth of breasts , making acinar smaller or even disappear , breast recover , but this recovery is usually not complete, likely to cause breast lumps and pain occurs , and induced breast disease , breast lesions can be repeated as an important incentive for breast cancer.

3. Less breast-feeding women.
Women after giving birth, breastfeeding should be the best way, but modern women, some for work, some for relaxing and fewer choices for breast-feeding, choose artificial feeding .

Few important reasons breast feeding or never breast-fed the emergence of various breast diseases , breast-feeding women after childbirth right to maintain the smooth flow of the breast, breast cancer prevention effect, on the contrary, rarely or never breastfeeding breastfeeding women, breast cancer
the risk increased significantly, many women refuse to keep fit breastfeeding, so not conducive to the growth of the child, and gave their own health risks.

The above experts talk, I believe everyone on the types of women likely to have breast cancer already know it.

I hope that we can try to avoid these factors , if they are above -mentioned high risk of breast cancer , to be vigilant , regular breast examinations .

Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy

Most of the women who are diagnosed with breast cancer will undergo a breast cancer surgery that is known mastectomy. Mastectomy involves the removal of one or both breasts. After the mastectomy, the patient can decide to undergo a breast reconstruction with the main aim of regaining the shape and size of their breast. The breast reconstruction can either be done immediately after the mastectomy or months after the operation. The procedure is always done in the same operation as the breast cancer surgery is done. This is can also be done immediately after the mastectomy and therefore saves the patient from having to perform two surgeries.

In a mastectomy, all the breast tissues are usually removed together with some of the surrounding tissues. In some serious cases, both of the breasts are removed completely. This is done usually as a preventive measure to prevent cancer from spreading to other organs of the body and therefore being more fatal. The loss of one breast or both of them can be a really devastating experience both physically and emotionally for any woman. The good news is that any woman who has undergone any breast cancer surgery can reclaim her breast by having the breast reconstructive surgery performed on them. This will ensure that their self-esteem is also restored since in most cases it is lost together with the tissues of the breast that are removed.

Women who are victims of breast cancer can decide to have the reconstruction while they are still under the anesthesia administered during the mastectomy. Studies that were done recently have shown that the breast reconstruction that is done immediately after the mastectomy does not in any way affect the recovery time. This doesn’t also affect the chemotherapy as well as the reoccurrence of cancer locally. It is indeed a good choice to do the reconstruction after the mastectomy since the patient will have successfully combined the two surgeries into a single surgery experience.

The breast reconstruction also helps in restoring the symmetry of the breasts belonging to the patient. Besides rebuilding the tissues that were lost during the breast cancer surgery, the breast reconstruction will also increase the lift on the remaining tissues as well as improving the general symmetry of the tissue. It is important that the patient does research and acquire the required information before making the decision of undergoing a breast reconstruction. The patient should also discuss with the surgeon so as to know what is best for her.  The surgeon will also be able to recommend the right and natural looking breasts in terms of both shape and size. This will go a long way in ensuring that the patient feels almost the same as before once the surgery has been completed.

During the breast reconstruction procedure, the surgeon can use tissues from other parts of the patient’s body. These parts are always the bottom, tummy or back. The tissues are then modified into a mound. In the event that the tissues are not enough the surgeon can use silicone implant which will give the patient almost the same feeling as if it was natural. However, the method to be used will always depend on the patient’s anatomy as well as the expected breast size. However, it is important that the patient realizes that the feeling they would get will not be exactly the same as the one you will get with natural breasts. The patient will get used to the new feeling with time. After the procedure, there will be physical and noticeable incision points on the chest of the patient.

The loss of one or two breasts is always a very emotional experience for the patient. In most cases, the self-esteem of a woman is closely related to her breasts. Therefore the breast reconstruction is seen as a way for the woman to regain her confidence. The immediate reconstruction of the breasts will also ensure that the woman will not have to suffer breast prostheses, which is an illusion of having breasts. Breast reconstruction also ensures that the woman can wear the same clothes she wore before the breast cancer surgery and still feel the same way.

Ideal Exercises you can do After a Breast Cancer surgery

There are women who will show a good body response following a breast cancer surgery whereas some will show a poor body response. Women who have undergone this surgery can sometimes show symptoms that aren’t usual and this can be considered by medical experts as serious and even fatal in some cases. Some of the symptoms experienced by these women include the feeling of numbness, severe pain and stiffness.

The intense pain is usually caused by the removal of tissues of the breast or any other parts during the surgery. The pain worsens if any of the nerves on the walls of the chest are damaged during the procedure. On the other hand, there are some of the women who respond very well after the breast cancer surgery and do not show any unusual symptoms or even the slightest complication that might have risen from the surgery. Whether a woman shows any symptoms or not as long as they have been discharged by the doctors then they should be able to go back to their normal lives and even start exercising.

Normally, the doctor would recommend to any woman who has undergone the breast cancer surgery to start exercise as soon as possible. One day immediately after the surgery the patient is supposed to start doing exercises that involve deep breathing. The purpose of this exercise is geared towards improving and maintaining the movement of the lungs. All body cells require oxygen from the lungs to stay alive. The cells found in the lungs, pneumocytes, function by producing a fluid that prevents friction in the lungs that would otherwise cause atelectasis. Atelectasis is a very common complication that arises to patients who have undergone major operations without movement together with pneumonia. The doctors will always recommend that the patient should involve themselves in a range of exercises involving motion such as closing and opening of the hands and arm lifting. These exercises are geared towards reducing the inflammation as well as assisting in the movement of the lymph fluids in the chest cavity.

The week following the breast cancer surgery is when the removal of the draining tubes is done. The activities that the patient can do also increase. The doctors always recommend certain exercises for the patients at this point. These include a variety of motion exercises. They are bending and stretching of arms, lifting light objects above their heads, squeeze shoulders and moving arms from left to right. It is advisable to redo these exercises at least once or twice a day.

When one month has passed after the surgery the patient who underwent the breast cancer surgery should then observe the incision site. It is always a good idea to visit the surgeon regularly so that the healing progress can be monitored. The conditions around the incision site are what determine the activities that can be done by the patient. In the event that the operative site is fully healed the patient will then be allowed to perform full stretching and strengthening exercises. However, if the incision is not fully recovered then the patient will be limited from performing some of the strenuous exercises since they can accidentally tear the incision site open. This will not only cripple the healing process but also lead to the performance of another operation. Patients with incision sites that are fully healed are allowed to carry around a weight of about 2 to 5 pounds. These weights can only be raised at each side and also above the head as well as across the body.

These exercises prevent any form of complications that can occur to the patient after the breast cancer surgery. They also improve the flow of blood in the body thus accelerating the healing process of the incision point. The exercises are also known to greatly reduce the risks of blood clots occurring in the operative site. The occurrence of an organ failure such as the lungs or the heart is also minimized greatly by the doing of exercises. However, it is very important that the patient who has undergone a breast cancer surgery to seek the doctor’s advice before proceeding to do some of the exercises.

Common Complications of Breast Cancer Surgery

Complications are not common to any types of surgical procedures done to the patient. People who are diagnosed to have cancer are suggested to undergo various types of treatment. These options are the treatment which used strong medications, the treatment that uses ultraviolet radiations and treatment that uses a knife. Knife or surgically termed as the scalpel is used by the surgeon to make an incision from the skin going to other layers. Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women who age 35 and above. Most of these cases are suggested to undergo Breast Cancer Surgery. There are some few conditions wherein women don’t want to undergo other types of treatment and decide for surgical intervention. Probably, the reason for this is they are afraid of the long term effect of other treatments and the prognosis is not good.
Mastectomy and Lumpectomy are Breast Cancer Surgery that is performed by the surgeon to remove the breast tissue, breast skin, lymph nodes in the axilla and sometimes the breast muscle is also removed. The extent of the surgery will depend on the size of the tumor or the affected area. This is usually performed by the surgeon to treat or avoid breast cancer. Same with other types of surgery, this surgery has underlying complications with very unusual and sometimes serious symptoms that must be observed and reported to the surgeon as early as possible.
Breast Cancer Surgery can lead to serious complications right after the surgery. A well-known institution for health has reported that the wound made from the incision of the chest wall may preserve long-term which may lead to loss of skin or infection. Hematoma (accumulation of the blood) can possibly occur at the operative site, production of hard scar tissues will develop at the incision site, and most of all, bleeding at the operative site can possibly occur. Reoperation or reparative surgery is performed in order to prevent further bleeding.

Pain after the Breast Cancer Surgery can be felt by the patient. The condition referred as Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome or PMPS is often manifested by the patient who undergone this procedure. The manifestations include pain at the chest wall, itchiness at the shoulder or armpit area, pain that occurs at the surgical site and a tingling sensation felt the arm. There is no actual explanation for this syndrome but the most scientific reason which is connected to this situation is probably the nerves at the chest wall are affected during the operation.

Complications pertaining to the removal of the lymph nodes found at the axillary part can cause mild to severe pain in the shoulder; sometimes stiffness can be felt, feeling of stabbed or burnt sensation. Swelling of the arm or the breast due to a condition which is known as lymphedema can also occur. The damaged nerve in that area can also cause pain to the shoulder and upper arm.

Respiratory failure is considered as one of the serious complications that can occur after Breast Cancer Surgery. Based on the reported cases of NIH, nerve damage can influence the neurotransmitters that usually transmit impulses to and from the brain. The brain which encases the respiratory center in the presentation of pons and medulla oblongata will be affected. In addition to this, lungs can be affected if the blood that accumulated at the operative site can build up and chances that this blood clot will dislodge in the site and will circulate to the blood stream. Once the blood clot reaches the microvessels that supply blood to the lungs, a compensatory mechanism of the heart will be activated. Increase cardiac rate will result in increase blood flow; high level of blood flow passing the lungs can also result into increase respiratory rate. Plus the fact that the lungs have been compromised with blood supply, a serious complication which is respiratory failure can occur.

If this is not intervened immediately, death can occur due to the inability of the lungs to transport oxygen which is transmitted in the bloodstream to the process of circulation that supplies oxygen and blood to other vital organs. If rapid respiration is observed to the patient who undergone Breast Cancer Surgery, it is suggested that this must be reported to the surgeon as early as possible.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Disease Genetic Breast Cancer Do

Breast cancer is a relatively common breast disease that is a kind of malignant disease, the incidence of harm it caused the female body is very large, if not treated in time, then patients will also be in danger of losing his life, then breast disease genetic? Here to tell you about.

Experts, breast cancer is the disease has some genetic in nature and have been studied demonstrated in breast disease in breast cancer is also known as familial genetic diseases, the danger is very great, do not drag advanced disease was thought to be treated.

Clinically proven, women with breast cancer have a grandmother or mother of the family, sisters, and breast cancer, which is consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance, is a site-specific genetic type, his family members are breast cancer sensibility .

Here to remind patients suffering from breast hyperplasia or fibroma, to be vigilant and aggressive treatment to prevent breast cancer, and passed on to me, and then passed on to their children a vicious cycle occurs, because high-risk breast cancer susceptibility gene mutation in the family .

For women with a family history of breast cancer suffering from breast cancer is usually a relatively high incidence of breast cancer is primarily part of the breast, which is mainly due to the effect of the cause of breast epithelial cells under various carcinogenic factors, occur the breast tissue gene mutation, resulting in uncontrolled cell proliferation .

Due to the biological behavior of cancer cells is changed, showing a disorderly proliferation of malignant unlimited.

It histologist manifestations are a lot of naive unlimited proliferation of cancer cells and disorderly state crowded into a group, extrusion and erosion damage to surrounding normal tissue, disrupting the normal structure of the breast.

These are common sense on the introduction of breast cancer conducted, I believe we now question whether the genetic breast cancer will have a better understanding.

To know the dangers of breast disease is very large, so we have to do preventive work of breast cancer, especially those with a family history of breast cancer should pay attention to.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Early breast cancer symptoms are the most powerful tools for generation of a cure. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to completely eradicate it from one's body. This is because detection at the early stage will catch cancer before it is able to grow to a large size and travel to other places throughout the body, away from the tubules among the breast tissue. This means that the cancer cell can easily be removed, leaving behind zero remaining debris.

Breast cancer symptoms in young women run along the movement of the female menstrual cycle. During a typical period of menstruation, a woman may experience lumps in the breasts and armpits, tenderness of the breasts, swelling of the breasts, itching, and discharge from the nipples. When these typical symptoms persist after menstruation has ceased, there is a possibility that cancer has formed among the breasts. Early detection is as simple as this explanation. Engage in self-examination of these areas and watch to see that the breasts readjust themselves properly along the cycle. This same phenomenon is not a possible method for measuring breast cancer men symptoms. Basically, men do not experience reproductive cycling.

Early breast cancer symptoms in men are expressed as tiny lumps twisted within the tubules of the tissues located directly behind the nipples in the male chest. These tin lumps are typically very hard to detect because men are not commonly accustomed to performing breast self-examinations, and the lumps are too small to merely notice without looking for them. However, the advanced stage symptoms of male breast cancer are far more noticeable. These symptoms include bleeding and discharge of the nipples and irregularities of the skin around the breasts.

The stages of breast cancer are the same for women as they are for men. Doctors typically follow the TNM system: T for the size of the tumor, N for the connection of the tumor to the lymph nodes, and M for the level of metastasis (movement of the cancer cell) that the tumor has undergone. Early stages are normally distinguished by small tumors located directly within the tubules of the breast tissue with little or no movement. Advanced stages display larger tumors with a much greater level of movement, affecting the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. These stages are very severe and normally very hard to cure. These advanced stages are the ones generating the symptoms that are typically noticeable in male breast cancers.

Breast cancers are normally less severe and easier to cure upon detection in women due to the level of education and ease of detection of breast cancer symptoms in young women. When self-examinations are administered properly, cancer can be completely removed with no remaining cell debris within the body due to the occurrence of such early detection from the examination. Men can also engage in breast self-examination practices in order to detect the tiny, painless lumps within their tissues. It is important to educate men as much as women about breast self-examination due to the faintness of this isolated breast cancer men symptom.

Recurrent breast cancer symptoms

Somebody whose breast cancer is in remission should be relieved but must watch out for breast cancer recurrence symptoms. Andy cancer is a serious threat to a life and its treatment is a harrowing thing to do through. When a cancer is forced into remission, it’s right to feel some happiness. Sadly, however, the danger never goes away and those who have had cancer must always worry that it might return. This is true of all cancers, but it is particularly true of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is dangerous, but if it is found and addressed in good time, it is not a death sentence. Eighty-five in any hundred women who have it will survive for five years and seventy-six in one hundred of the same kind of women will survive past ten years. Although they have known success in beating it in the first round, it is very possible for cancer to come back in the same place or somewhere new. This is especially true in the first five years of finding out that somebody has it.
But, with good care and vigilance for breast cancer recurrence symptoms, this can be dealt with.
Breast cancer can return for a variety of reasons. It might come back because of something as small as one lonely, dormant cancer cell suddenly beginning to multiply. It might be caused by the treatment that sent cancer into remission having failed to destroy all of the cancerous cells. The most troublesome cases are especially nasty cancer cells that can beat treatment and shift to new parts of the body. Even though treatment has gotten far better, breast cancer is still a hard thing to deal with and even when it might seem beaten, a survivor must be watchful for breast cancer recurrence symptoms.

Breast cancer can also return in a variety of different places. The most obvious are known as a local recurrence. This is when cancer returns in roughly the same place as it first occurred. Another fairly obvious case is a regional recurrence, which is when cancer comes back in glands located at the armpit and collarbone. The third kind of recurrence is trickier. It is known as distant recurrence. It is when cancer comes back somewhere else in your body very different from where it first occurred. This is usually the liver, lungs or bones.

Fortunately, the further from its origins that cancer goes, the more symptoms have. Local recurrences affect the area where the cancer is. Regional ones affect the area of cancer and the extremities beyond it. Distant recurrence brings about symptoms related to wherever it has spread. It’s terrible for cancer to return, but by minding breast cancer recurrence symptoms you can get an idea of where it has recurred and sought medical help with a good chance to beat it again.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Symptoms Can be Felt Throughout the Body

Metastatic breast cancer is a silent sleeper. It often times is only detected through a chest x-ray or by chance through another set of unrelated tests. The symptoms of breast cancer can occur in both women and men. Metastatic breast cancer symptoms depend on how extensive cancer has spread and to what areas of the body.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer…
Breast cancer symptoms men and women may experience in the event of metastatic breast cancer that affects the breast or chest wall includes a lump or thickening of the breast tissue or under the arm; changes in the size or shape of the breast; changes in breast or chest skin that might include redness or scaliness; pain in the chest wall; or discharge from the nipple.

Metastatic breast cancer symptoms when cancer has spread to the bones back, hips or sternum-include pain; fractures not attributed to accident injury; constipation, fatigue; and a decrease in alertness attributed to high levels of calcium in the body.

Metastatic breast cancer symptoms when cancer has spread to the lungs can cause shortness of breath and difficulty breathing; a persistent cough; chest wall pain; and extreme fatigue. Breast cancer symptoms men and women experience when cancer has spread to the liver include nausea; extreme fatigue; increased abdominal girth; swelling of the feet and legs; and yellowing or itchy skin.
If Cancer has spread to the brain and spinal cord, the metastatic breast cancer symptoms may include pain; confusion; memory loss; headaches; vision problems; a change in how the skin senses touch, pain or other physical feelings; trouble talking or understanding others; difficulty standing, moving or walking; and in some cases seizures.

Breast cancer symptoms men experience are similar or the same as those women experience. Symptoms of breast cancer to watch out for include painless lumps, thickening of the breast tissue, changes in the nipple-dimpling, puckering, or redness or discharge from the nipple.

Identifying the risks and symptoms for breast cancer and diligent follow-up with a medical professional can help catch cancer before it spreads into other areas of the body. If you are in remission from symptoms for breast cancer, be sure to inform your doctor at the first sign of potential reoccurrence.

What are some symptoms of breast cancer

Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer in women may save your life. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2012 about 226,870 new cases of invasive and 63,300 cases of non-invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 39,510 women will die from breast cancer.

Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer in men may save your partner’s life. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2012 about 2,190 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among men in the United States and 410 men will die from breast cancer. Symptoms of breast cancer in women and symptoms of breast cancer in men are not the same.

Symptoms of breast cancer in women include lumps, swelling, pain, and visible changes in the breast. However, the cruelest answer to the question of what are the symptoms of breast cancer in women is that breast cancer usually has no symptoms in the early stages. Without symptoms, early detection of breast cancer depends on tools such as monthly breast self-examination and regular mammograms. Mammograms can often detect a lump too small to feel. Knowing the symptoms of breast cancer in women may lead to early diagnosis and treatment, which can save your life.

Symptoms of breast cancer in women may begin with a lump, usually painless, in the breast or underarm that is present even after a menstrual cycle. Sometimes there is swelling under the arm. It is always wise to question when an area of one breast looks or feels different from any other area on either breast.

The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men are a mass located just below the nipple, skin changes around the nipple and sometimes, discharge from the nipple. This mass is usually firm and painless. There may be no other symptoms of breast cancer in men. The skin changes can include ulceration of the skin, puckering, redness or scaling of the nipple, or the nipple turning inward.
Symptoms of breast cancer become more detectable as a tumor grows and affects surrounding tissue and breast structure. As cancer spreads, more than the breast may be affected. When cancer spreads it is referred to as metastatic breast cancer.

Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer depend on the affected area and how far cancer has spread. For example, if the affected area is the breast or chest wall, symptoms of metastatic breast cancer may include a lump or thickening in the breast or underarm, changes the breast size, shape, or skin, pain in the chest wall, and nipple discharge.

Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer affecting the bones may include pain or fractures in the hips, back or sternum, constipation, tiredness, and feeling less alert. Shortness of breath, cough, difficulty breathing, chest wall pain, and extreme fatigue are common symptoms of metastatic breast cancer affecting the lungs. Liver symptoms also include nausea, swelling of the abdomen, legs, and feet, and yellowing, itchy skin. Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer in the brain are the pain (including headaches), confusion or memory loss, vision changes, difficulty speaking, understanding speech, standing, moving or walking, and sometimes seizures.

Know the symptoms of breast cancer in women and the symptoms of breast cancer in men and improve the opportunity for early diagnosis. Learn the symptoms of metastatic breast cancer to avoid the dangers of cancer spreading to other vital organs without treatment. Seek medical advice if you notice unexplained changes in your breast.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Sign and symptoms of breast cancer

In an attempt to self-diagnose, many people will use breast cancer symptoms pictures they find doing independent research. While images are helpful for patients, it is important to consult your doctor and seek professional assistance to treat your breast cancer.

Both men and women can get breast cancer. Cancer can develop in male breast tissue and is commonly found in older men. Breast cancer symptoms in men include; nipple discharge, skin dimpling, scaling and redness near the nipple, and nipple retraction. Lumps in the breast tissue can also develop, so men should watch for growth in the chest region.

Again, everyone is at risk for breast cancer and male breast cancer symptoms are important to watch for in all men. There are treatment options for all stages of cancer, but the sooner you are diagnosed, the better the outcome. It is important to consult your doctor if you have concerns and make sure you are correctly diagnosed and treated

Physical Symptoms of Breast cancer

Breast cancer symptoms for women are as follows, lumps on the breasts are the early stages of breast cancer. Lumps can be detected by monthly self-examinations ideally after your menstrual cycle. Lumps on the breast are generally painless but can be described as a hard foreign substance felt just under the skin. An annual mammogram by your gynecologist can usually detect any lumps in the breast before they can be felt. Other symptoms for breast cancer for women are the pain in the breast, change in shape and discoloration of the breast, changes in the shape and texture of the areola around the nipple, and discharging from the nipple.

Men’s symptoms of breast cancer are considered very rare it’s only 1% of all the breast cancer cases to 99% for women’s. Men’s symptoms of Breast cancer are a noticeable mass below the surface of the skin and nipple discharge. Discoloration in the skin and nipple sensitivity , puckering and retraction or the nipples.

Breast Cancer in men symptoms are as follows:
It is rare for breast cancer in men to develop. But for the men who do fall victim to breast the symptoms of male breast cancer are, any firm masses under the skin surface, tenderness to the touch of the skin, puckering around the nipple area, redness, or nipple discharge. Men who fall victim to breast cancer tend to get it due to hormone therapy like males receiving estrogen shots will at times cause cancer cells to develop in their breast area.

Lobular Breast Cancer Symptoms

Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer Symptoms for Everyone

Breast cancer symptoms have traditionally been diagnosed for women for decades, but men need to be tested as well. Yes, men have breast tissue as well and it too can become cancerous. The test for both men and women are quite similar. Although it is somewhat more difficult for men, it should be performed regularly, just like women. Everyone, regardless of gender, should self-diagnose for breast cancer symptoms. This is a healthy practice and may save you from pain, suffering and possibly even death done the road.

Testing for Breast Cancer Symptoms and Best Practice
Breast cancer symptoms can be detected before they become malignant (fatal). Some breast tumors can be simply benign, and never pose a fatal threat, but they are still harmful. A tumor is simply just a mass of foreign cells that grows over time. If they are benign and do not turn into cancer, they may get large enough to interfere with other vital organs. However, if they become malignant and display signs of breast cancer symptoms, the consequences may be fatal. Testing yourself is of great importance to ensure early detection.

Breast cancer symptoms can be tested in the same manner for men and women. For women, breast exams are almost standardized and routine. They simply feel for ‘lumps’ or hard spots around their breasts and can simply get a mammogram if they suspect anything abnormal. Men, however, have to determine if a ‘lumps’ or hard spots are just muscle from over use or the beginning of a cancerous tumor. While getting a mammogram for men is rare, there are other tests medical practitioners can perform to determine if breast cancer symptoms exist or are forming.

Breast cancer symptoms are well known in women and in some cases in men and test are administered to seek them out. Something that very few people know, but need to, especially parents, is testing children. In very rare cases, even children as young as nine (9) and ten (10) year of age, have shown signs of breast cancer. The phenomenon is very rare but does pose a risk for children as well. Most pediatricians do not check due to the rarity of such occurrences, but parents should insist on testing once a year. As they get older, parents should increase testing frequency to look for breast cancer symptoms in children.

Breast cancer symptoms have been diagnosed in both genders, all races and occasionally even in children. If you suspect you or someone you know is displaying signs of breast cancer symptoms, it is paramount that they seek medical attention immediately. Testing is the key to early detection and treatment can prevent long-term suffering or even death. Know your options and exercise best practice to provide yourself with the right tools to ease your mind against this often fatal disease.