Thursday, November 17, 2016

Is Pain a Symptom of Breast Cancer

The signs and symptoms of breast cancer are finding a hard lump in your breast, noticing a dimple or change in the skin of the breast, swelling of the breast or under the arm and discharge from the nipple. Being told from a young age to do self-breast exams, and if you have been doing self-breast exams, you will feel a difference as soon as you feel a hard, pea-sized mass that you never felt before. The purpose of doing self-exams once a month is to get to know your breasts. When you know your breasts, you are more likely to spot something different as soon as it happens. Breast cancer is a fast moving cancer and the key to full remission is getting to it early. Once it spreads it is much more difficult to beat. Finding cancer as it first starts to become a mass will enable the doctor to take it out before it affects the surrounding tissues.

It is so important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. There are really no risk factors other than being an older woman who has some close family history of breast cancer, who is overweight and maybe has a drink once a day or so. It is hard to pin down who is more at risk to get breast cancer but research has shown that to be the case. Only about 1% of men’s cancer is breast cancer but it is the second cancer killer in women behind lung cancer.

While the signs and symptoms of breast cancer are not obvious, if you are in tune with your body and feed it fruits, vegetables, water, whole grains and proteins, and if you exercise every day and take care of your body, you will most likely notice if something different is going on. You may not have the same amount of energy as you usually have. You may not have the same healthy appetite. You may just feel under the weather for more than a week or two. These are signs that you need to take notice to and to take seriously. These are signs that are telling you to call the doctor and get a checkup.

There are things you can do to keep on top of possibly getting breast cancer. With breast cancer, you should get a mammogram once a year. Talk to your doctor about the guidelines that are best for you. A mammogram is a great tool for detecting breast cancer. It is a big x-ray machine that takes an x-ray of your breasts, one breast at a time. Once a month you need to do a self-breast exam. Usually, it is easiest to remember to do your exam right after your period ends unless you do not get a regular period than choose a date and check your breasts on that date every month. Preventative care may make all the difference in your experience with breast cancer. You never want to have to worry about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

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