Thursday, November 17, 2016

Early symptoms of breast cancer in women

Women everywhere today are asking, “What are the symptoms of breast cancer?” As this disease appears to be striking someone they know and love, women and men a growing more concerned than ever before about what the symptoms are and how to watch for them. Some symptoms are readily noticeable while others remain hidden, sometimes deep within the breast tissue. It’s important to learn these breast cancer signs and symptoms now in order to catch this often silent killer.

So what are breast cancer symptoms? What should women and their partners watch for? Breast cancer symptoms can vary in type and size or be non-existent in the beginning thereby being easily missed. Often by the time you notice a symptom, cancer may have already silently spread. Much of the time, however, catching breast cancer at the first sign of a symptom is ideal. The cancer is found early and the treatment can be milder depending on the type of cancer.

Do self-exams of your breasts every month. Mark it on your calendar to ensure that you do it. You can examine your breasts while still in bed in the morning or while in your morning shower. You can ask your partner or spouse to assist you since it is often they who make the initial discovery by accident. Go for your annual physical without fail so that the doctor can perform his or her own breast exam for you. Get that annual mammogram. Mammography is responsible for catching many breast cancers every year.

When you check for breast cancer symptoms, it’s a good idea to stand in front of a mirror. Take a long, in-depth look at each breast. Is the skin the same color everywhere except the nipple? Is the skin smooth or does it have dimples in it? Is there swelling anywhere on either breast? Is there redness anywhere? Check each nipple for discharge and make sure there isn’t any. Is there soreness anywhere on either breast? Do you feel any lumps or knots that you’ve never noticed before? Is there a mass under the skin? (A mass does not have to be round.) Is the mass hard or soft? If you find any of these breast cancer symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor. Decide for yourself that it's nothing and will go away on its own. See your doctor immediately! Catching breast cancer early is something that can save your life.

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