Sunday, April 16, 2017

Breast Cancer Symptoms Pain

Breast cancer symptoms pain in the chest area is usually one of the first signs. Many of us have been taught that chest pains signify heart attacks.

Often women ignore chest pains or misconstrue them as heart problems. This can be a fatal mistake. Chest pains are often the first signs of breast cancer when no visible lumps can be detected. Breast cancer symptoms pain in the nipples or nipples turning inward and can also be detected by swelling of all or parts of the breast.

Breast cancer is a disease in which damaged cells in the breast become malignant and form in the tissues of the breast. Cancer can be induced by too much estrogen in the body. Hormone replacement therapy for several years with high doses of estrogen or extensive use of birth control pills can cause that lead up to breast cancer development. Other causes known to fuel the growth of breast cancers are certain types of proteins or low oxygen levels in the body. Alcohol use of more than two drinks daily may increase your risk of breast cancer. Other causes of the disease may not be controllable such as family history of the disease, age and gender, and defective genes which are passed on by a parent.

Annual mammograms are the best measures of prevention since early detection is crucial to providing a cure. If cancer is treated early an optimistic outlook for good health can be expected. Lymph nodes are also checked when biopsies are deemed necessary to make sure cancer has not spread to other parts of the body. Lymph nodes are the mode by which the disease is carried throughout the body and when infected nodes are found survival rates decrease since the disease has now spread beyond the breast area.

Treatment of breast cancer depends on many factors such as the stage of progression. There are five stages of cancer from zero to the fourth stage. The higher the stage the cancer is in, the slimmer the chance of survival. Treatment also depends on sensitivity to certain hormones or if cancer over produces a gene called HER2/neu.

Breast cancer is still among the most common cancer in women. Statistics show that one out of every eight women will develop breast cancer. Breast cancer is fatal in one out of every 20 women. Men can also develop breast cancer however statistically only one out of 100 men is affected by the disease. Diet and hormonal causes are believed to be the leading culprits of the causes for breast cancers.

Once breast cancer has been detected it is best to get all the facts from your physician and follow up on regular checkups. A strong support group of family, friends and other cancer survivors can lift one's spirits and renew spirits and hope.

Getting active in support groups can also take your mindset off of the problems you face. Support groups will remind you that you are not alone in battling breast cancer.

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